Re: [translations] Error in generate-documentation.log

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Le 24/01/2015 20:05, Walter Garcia-Fontes a écrit :
I've been working on fixing unstralated node references in the
learning directory of the Catalan translation. I believe I fixed all
of them, but now the build is aborting with an error message in

fatal error: define-grob-properties.scm: cannot find interface for property:

Anybody can give me a hint on where I have to look for the culprit of

I've no such a file generated during the build process, but here is how I usually proceed: since files other than concerning documentation have changed, I first run a "make" to update the "binaries".

When "master" has been merged into "translation", I usually clean everything (make doc-clean && make clean) and rebuild everything from scratch.

Let me know if it persists.


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