Re: [translations] translation branch status

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Federico Bruni <fedelogy@xxxxxxxxx> writes:

> I'm looking at the log of the translation branch and I see a couple of
> commits by David in January, but no merge commit before that. The VERSION
> shows 2.17.96
> When will you merge master in translation?
> Do you want to hold translation until the release of 2.18.1?

Yes.  I hope I'll get to wrap up 2.18.1 in the first half of February.
I am currently still thrashing with finishing my work on the somewhat
frequently used "git blame" utility and have not reached
feature-completeness after rewriting its internals.

Also I need to make a new printer for my mother work on an old Ubuntu
system tomorrow (I really wish she'd consult me before letting some
store clerk sell her new hardware instead of considering an admittedly
expensive repair since it implies something like 7 hours and €30 of
travel whenever I have to come over).

At any rate, the git-blame stuff is looking like a reasonable
improvement when compared to before:

dak@lola:/usr/local/tmp/emacs$ time ../git/git blame >/dev/null src/xdisp.c

real	1m16.800s
user	0m30.800s
sys	0m45.296s

dak@lola:/usr/local/tmp/emacs$ time git blame >/dev/null src/xdisp.c

real	3m16.434s
user	2m24.412s
sys	0m51.296s

So the effort definitely seems worth finishing.  But it does impact
keeping up with LilyPond, and I'm sorry for that.

Unfortunately, my laptop battery is close to shot, so most of the train
time is wasted for work.

Please bear with me: I hope we can move translations over in few weeks
at most.

All the best

David Kastrup

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