[translations] LilyPond documentation - Czech - notation fileset

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Hi Francisco,

I worked hard to finish the work, that started/ended one and half a year ago, and now raised again: definitions of Notation nodes and refs. The content of notation folder + one file more: the notation.tely (if needed) is in attachment. The goal of the work was the creation of structure, that can be used and the to have the time for focus on translating the documentation.

That time in february/march 2011 I copied the German translation to use it as source. Then I created the document in spreadsheet app (Open Office Calc/LibreOffice) to be able to work systematically and efficiently. Almost all nodes and references were found during translation (although sometimes I felt some lack of intelligence in my text editor during the search for entered string; also it need the check - automatic, using your tools) and some refs (only a few) weren't found, I think - maybe the German translation has theirs definitions, but I was unable to find them in my notes, that were catched during the sequential search in all those files (I think).

Partially the index entries and texts are translated too (but it's a mix for further processing).

I have about 200 rows more of fundamental.itely translated too, but I would like to make the patch later, after the notation set would be added by you to cs folder of Documentation. Also could you take a look at headers of those files (they originate from German source files, I've added only cs code on top and My name. The rest is work on nodes and refs and some effort to translate some strings using "find and replace" method)? Of course take your time, I have to take some rest too.
Then I suppose to Undo my recent change of one node's translation in fundamental.itely too.

Greetings, Pavel Fric

Attachment: notation - czech.tar
Description: Unix tar archive

Attachment: notation.tely
Description: Binary data

Attachment: Summary of nodes.ods
Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet

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