[translations] Re: Current state of release planning.

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Le dimanche 12 août 2012 à 14:48 +0200, David Kastrup a écrit :
> Documentation improvements are still admissable, documentation rewrites
> not necessarily as we want to avoid significant changes between the
> English documentation and reasonably well-maintained translations.  I
> have no clear view regarding finalizing of the translations.

As long as no documentation significant rewrite reaches master,
finalizing translations of the documentation may be done by
cherry-picking commits from translation branch; would you like to do or
delegate this?

On the contrary, if big doc changes reach master before 2.16.0 is out, a
new branch translation-2.16 should be created, that would be merged into
and from stable/2.16 the same way as translation and master/staging,
with some extra care deserved by stable/2.16; if there is the need for
it, I could handle this, having in mind that checking "make dist" is
currently a PIOA (i.e. a pain for all of us).

I've sent an update request to the Translation Project with 2.15.95
release (with translations@xxxxxxxxxxx in CC), so within a week we
should get numbers of PO files to check in in master and stable/2.16.


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