Re: [translations] Doc-ja: Adding *.itely files to NR.

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2011/3/21 Yoshiki Sawada <sawada.yoshiki@xxxxxxxxx>:
> Please execute the following line if you need.
>> rm config.hh; ./ && make  && make doc-clean && make doc

Thanks, now pushed.  I have cherry-picked latest patch by Jan onto our
branch.  I've noticed that suddenly all messages from lilypond-book
are translated as taken from po/es.po ; therefore, as they contained
accented characters, that triggered the locale error.  However, they
are replaced by a question mark (thanks to the patch, instead of
breaking).  I'm still not sure why lilypond-book can not write utf-8
characters normally in my system during build process.  My compiled
version of lilypond and lilypond-book both show e.g. help message

Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain) ,

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