[translations] Some missing strings in Hungarian and Japanese

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I am doing 'make website' and I find these warnings, could you address
them? Thanks!

create-weblinks-itexi: warning: [hu]: translation missing for:  (big HTML)
  (did not exist in 2.12)
 Doc tarball for
 MusicXML Regression tests for
 PDF of MusicXML regtests for
 PDF of regtests for
 Regression tests for
  (split HTML)

create-weblinks-itexi: warning: [ja]: translation missing for:  (big HTML)
  (did not exist in 2.12)
 Doc tarball for
 MusicXML Regression tests for
 PDF of MusicXML regtests for
 PDF of regtests for
 Regression tests for
  (split HTML)

Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain)
www.paconet.org , www.csmbadajoz.com

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