Re: [translations] Commas in doctitle string

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Le jeudi 04 février 2010 à 12:18 +0100, Francisco Vila a écrit : 
> Thank you. I don't like commas supressed from the resulting PDF or HTML, though.

Mmh, I guess we should add more magic in makelsr, lilypond-book and
Texinfo macro lydoctitle for generating a node name different from the
section name, which might help solving the problem of duplicated anchors
in Texi2HTML, but I'm way too busy for doing this before March^H^H^H^H^H

> One more question: after having updated our files in
> texidocs/*.texidoc do we still have to make makelsr and commit the
> result?

Yes, but please check for possible messing up by, using "git
diff" before committing.


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