[tablatures] Re: harmonics and slides II

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Am 20.12.2010 um 20:31 schrieb Carl Sorensen:

On 12/20/10 12:01 PM, "Patrick Schmidt" <p.l.schmidt@xxxxxx> wrote:
Am 20.12.2010 um 19:31 schrieb Carl Sorensen:

On 12/20/10 11:16 AM, "Patrick Schmidt" <p.l.schmidt@xxxxxx> wrote:

Right here, you just type

git-cl upload master
OK, I did that:

pls:~/lilypond-git PLS$ git cl upload master
This branch is associated with issue 3590041. Adding patch to that
No output from ['git', 'diff', '--no-ext-diff', '--full-index',
'master', '-M']

I still can't see any changes on rietveld. I made all the revisions
in a fresh repository. Is that a problem?

There's not a problem. The "problem" is that you are working on the master branch, and I gave you a command that is correct for the way I work, and not
correct for the way you work.

git-cl upload <Commit identifier>

will upload a patch to Rietveld that shows all the differences between the
commit identified in <Commit identifier> (master in your case) and the
current branch's HEAD (also master in your case).

So there are two ways to proceed:

1) Analyze your repository using gitk or git-gui, and figure out what the
appropriate commit is to use for a reference.  This will require some
thinking, and may be a bit hard to get started on. However, in the long
run, I think it's the most useful.

2) Rebase your current branch on origin/master, then use origin/ master as the reference commit. This is the easiest to do, but if the rebase fails you will have a whole different set of issues to wrestle with. The good
news -- the rebase seldom fails.

I'd recommend you follow option 2:

git pull -r origin master

This command will pull the current version of origin/master, and rebase your
tree to put your changes on top of the current origin.  Then do

git-cl upload origin/master

This will create a Rietveld patch based on the differences between your tree
and the current savannah repository.

OK, thanks! The changes are now on rietveld (http:// codereview.appspot.com/3590041/). For some reason three other files I didn't change were also uploaded?! (lily/optimal-page-breaking.cc; lily/page-breaking.cc; po/de.po) Do I have to get rid off them on rietveld? If yes, how?

The issue number is related to your git branch.

You never specify the issue number.
But this is recommended in the section on revisions in the CG

Ah, so it is. But it's recommended only if you have created a new branch.

We need to improve that documentation.  Thanks for pointing out the

That's my fault because the term "new branch" is still a bit abstract to me. A while ago I actually got myself Jon Loeliger's book "Git" but I never found time to read it...


I really have to come to grips with git. This information manager
scares the hell out of me. I always delete the old repository after I
made a patch because otherwise I get some error messages I can't
handle when I try to update the source code...

Yes, coming to grips with git would be a good idea. If you ever want to have more than one patch active, you need to come to grips with git. If you're happy working on one patch at a time, just keep using lily- git, and look forward to Graham's new feature in lily-git that will support Rietveld

git is confusing as heck to get started with. Let me give you my standard
practice when I want to work on something for lilypond.

I start in my git repository, and do the following:

git checkout master

This gets me to the master branch, where I need to be.

git pull -r origin master

This updates the master branch to the current savannah git repository.

git branch my-new-contribution
git checkout my-new-contribution

These two commands get me working on a new branch.  I can work on this
branch, and it doesn't affect master at all. I can't hurt *anything* when I'm working on a new branch. The only potential I have is that I might make
a mistake and throw away some of my work.

If I add new files, I do

git add my-new-filename

This allows git to track the new file, but it's not yet committed.

When I'm at a stopping point, I do:

git commit -a

This adds all the new and/or changed files to the repository.

Any time I want to post a patch to Rietveld, I do

git pull -r origin master
git rebase master
git-cl upload master

These three commands get the latest version of git, reapply my patches on
top of that version of git, and then upload the patches to Rietveld.

When I want to go back to the unpatched code, I do

git checkout master

Then I can work on another patch set by creating a different branch.

Once I have a patch ready for pushing, I do

git checkout branch-with-patch-ready-for-pushing
git branch temporary-branch
git checkout temporary-branch
git rebase -I master

The first three commands get me to a new branch with the same contents as the branch with the patch ready for pushing. The last command starts up an interactive process that allows me to combine *all* of the git commits on this branch into a single commit. That's nice, because it will be just one
patch, instead of a series of patches.

Once I've got the patches combined, I do

git checkout master
git cherry-pick temporary-branch
git pull -r origin master
git push origin master
git branch -D temporary-branch

This applies the patch from temporary-branch to master, gets the latest savannah updates in case somebody else has pushed a change, and then pushes
the changes to savannah.  It then deletes my temporary branch.

If I didn't have push access to savannah, I'd do the following instead

git checkout master
git cherry-pick temporary-branch
git pull -r origin master
git format-patch master
git branch -D temporary-branch

Then I'd email the created patch to the person who was going to apply it.

It does! Thanks for your comprehensive explanations.



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