Re: [tablatures] Re: TabStaff ignores open strings in alternate fretboard tables

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Am 23.11.2010 um 00:58 schrieb Carl Sorensen:

On 11/22/10 11:13 AM, "Patrick Schmidt" <> wrote:

Hi Carl,

sorry, it's me again. I just checked 2.13.40 and found a small issue:
open strings defined in a chord in an alternate fretboard table are
not typeset in tablature. This doesn't happen with the chords defined

Fixed in git. You can use scm/translation-functions.scm from git if you
don't build yourself.

This works with the properly defined terse format, "o" for open, rather than 0. It also works with verbose format (which probably nobody ever wants to

Thanks again for the catch, and for providing a test file. It made the
patch trivial to complete.

Thanks to the man who fixes bugs faster than I can write bug reports! ;-)



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