[tablatures] TabStaff ignores open strings in alternate fretboard tables

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Hi Carl,

sorry, it's me again. I just checked 2.13.40 and found a small issue: open strings defined in a chord in an alternate fretboard table are not typeset in tablature. This doesn't happen with the chords defined in predefined-guitar-fretboards.ly.

It seems as if the problem is related to the definition of open strings in \storePredefinedDiagram. When I use "0" (zero) instead of "o" then a zero is typeset in tablature but the fretboard diagram is messed up. The other way round (the usual definition with "o") the diagram is fine but open strings are ignored in tablature.

\version "2.13.40"
%\include "predefined-guitar-fretboards.ly"

#(define c-shape-fretboard-table (make-fretboard-table))

\storePredefinedDiagram #c-shape-fretboard-table

cShape = {
  \set predefinedDiagramTable = #c-shape-fretboard-table

Chords = \chordmode {
  c,1 |

\score {
      \new ChordNames {
      \new FretBoards {
      \new Staff <<
        \clef "treble_8"
      \new TabStaff  <<



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