Re: [tablatures] tremolos in tablature

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Neil Puttock schrieb:
On 30 August 2010 15:17, Marc Hohl <marc@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Marc Hohl schrieb:
Neil Puttock schrieb:
On 28 August 2010 16:17, Carl Sorensen <c_sorensen@xxxxxxx> wrote:

Why not use 1/staff-space?  This would adjust things regardless of how
staff-space was tweaked, wouldn't it?

Yes.  A simple helper function using ly:staff-symbol-staff-space would
suffice (apart from 'beam-width, which needs a wrapper around

Thanks you both for your answers, I'll try to include all your proposals.
I think uploading to Rietveld does now make more sense, what do you think?
Adding just <10 lines to the code, I just send you another patch directly.

LGTM; will push soon.


+;; normal staves; this wrapper function scales accordingly:
+(define-public (stem-tremolo::calc-tab-width grob)
+  (let* ((width (ly:stem-tremolo::calc-width grob))

Thanks for correcting there errors - I first calculated  the correction
within the let*-Block and decided not to use a superfluous variable.
Then I forgot to remove the *.
+         (staff-space (ly:staff-symbol-staff-space grob)))
+        (/ width staff-space)))


Oops, I used the position of the first ( after the let for indentation.

rogue newline

Thanks for pushing!


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