Re: [tablatures] Positioning of text elements

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This kind of question should probably be asked on lilypond-user.

On 2/11/10 1:45 PM, "Frank Stefani" <frank.stefani@xxxxxx> wrote:

> Hello all,

> I open up this new thread as the string naming question
> could be solved due to hints of Carl Sorensen.
> Next questions:
> 1: How can I move the "instrumentName" markup
>    from the example score below closer to the TAB?

You will want to adjust the padding, or perhaps adjust the X-offset
properties of the InstrumentName grob.

See the Internals Reference for the properties that affect the setting.

> 2: I want all string names appear centered within
>    their box. How do I achieve this?

I think you can use \box {\center-column {"c"}}

> General question:
> 3: Is it possible to position (non-note) elements freely
>    with Lilypond? It would be nice to place or anchor
>    custom text (or GROBs) anywhere.

No, you can't.  And it wouldn't really be nice to do so, because that kind
of work needs to always be adjusted when you move something somewhere else.

If you really want to do that, you can use the svg backend and use inkscape
to do the positioning.



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