Re: [tablatures] Re: bends: pre-implementation issues

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On 1/4/10 3:28 PM, "Marc Hohl" <marc@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Carl Sorensen schrieb:

>> With the architecture above, I don't think you need to specify bend and
>> release bend.  All of the bends you show have a note at each end of the bend
>> (either a real note or a grace note).
> Yes, but there are quarter tone bends, as David pointed out, which aren't
> followed by a note. But perhaps they should be handled seperately.
> Lilypond does provide doits and falls, so perhaps these features have
> only to
> be adapted for tablature. On the other hand, when there is a consistent
> approach for handling all cases, it should be bundled together.

A quarter-tone bend should just be an articulation on the note, it seems to
me.  But this could also be handled in the bend engraver.

> I'll wait for David's work on bend constellations and try to make a list
> of all
> relevant combinations/cases. Perhaps the situation can be clarified
> thereafter.

Sounds like a good idea to me.

> Thanks for your ideas!

You're welcome.


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