Re: [tablatures] \hideNotes in TabStaff

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Trevor Daniels schrieb:
Moved to tab list from -user ..

Marc Hohl wrote Thursday, January 28, 2010 8:27 AM

Trevor Daniels schrieb:

\hideNotes and \unHideNotes are designed to work only with
ordinary staves and voices.  In TabStaff they will hide
stems, beams, dots, etc (if these are being displayed)
but not the fret labels from TabNoteHead.  Maybe they should,
or are there situations where you would want to hide notes
in the normal staff but not in TabStaff or vice versa?

I have not used \hideNotes very often, but as we want to use the input
both for normal staves and tablature staves without tweaking too much,
I think it would make sense to include the functionality into \hideNotes,
but it seems that this would not be straightforward, as, for example,
\revert Stem #'transparent would make the tablature stems visible, too.

It would, which you would not want to do normally but
which would be correct if you were displaying stems in
tab before calling \hideNotes.  This is not so much a
problem with \hideNotes as with the way \tabFullNotation
is implemented.  You would have exactly the same problem
with \hideTabNotes (or whatever it might be called).
You are right, this is a serious limitation of the current implementation.

This is a limitation of using predefined commands - when
several changes interact there is no means of testing
anything.  The fix would be to use context properties
rather than \hideNotes and \tabFullNotation.  These
could then be tested in the engravers, and the engravers
could work out what values the properties should have.
So ideally, we would have a context property switching from
\tabFullNotation to \tabNumbersOnly behavior?
Could you specify in more detail how this could be done, so
1) this could be added to the tracker (I think #810 is the proper place for it) 2) someone could start implementing it (perhaps this way I can learn some more about
how engravers work)




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