[tablatures] Koyabu - Introducing myself

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Hello all,

as this is the first post to this list, I want
to introduce myself in short to the list members:

 * My name is Frank and I am a professional
   photo journalist and photo artist. I live
   within the Alps, still in Germany but very
   close to the border of Austria.

 * I am in my 50s now and have been playing
   guitars since the age of 13. I started
   with strumming and finger picking 1970s
   songs, took classical lessons in my 20s
   and started with jazz at the end of the
   1990s. I got my first tapping instrument
   yesterday, a "Koyabu Symmetrical Board".

Now I want to typeset TABs for the Koyabu with the help
of Lilypond. I am a newbie to Lilypond but nevertheless
gave it a try and this is, what I have so far:

  % koyabu.ly

  % Definitions for the Koyabu Symmetrical Board.
  % For better readability, left and right hand
  % are separated in two TAB staffs.

  % Standard tuning: C G d a e h d a e h F# C#

  #(define-public koyabuLH     '(35 28 21 14 7 0))
  #(define-public koyabuRH     '(26 21 16 11 6 1))

A test piece:

  \version "2.12.2"

  \include "koyabu.ly"

  myScale = { c d e f g a b c d e f g a b c2 }

    \new Staff {
      % standard
      \clef "treble"
      \relative c' {\myScale}
    \new TabStaff {
      % Left Hand
      \set TabStaff.stringOneTopmost = ##f
      \set TabStaff.stringTunings =  #koyabuLH
      \relative c'' {\myScale}
    \new TabStaff {
      % Right Hand
      \set TabStaff.stringTunings =  #koyabuRH
      \relative c' {\myScale}

I'm not sure whether it's better to have the hands separated
or not. For me as a Koyabu beginner it seems easier to read
when left and right hand are slighly separated as in piano

The notes are correct in my example but most probably the
octavation is not correct - I don't know how place the equal
sounding bass notes from the piano score to the Koyabu left
hand TAB. Time will tell ....

Hope to meet kind people here and would be happy to find help
concernig Koyabu TAB setting together with piano staff, also.

Any hints, help, proposal and improvments are welcome!


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