Re: [tablatures] side fingerings and space between numbers

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On 1/7/10 3:34 AM, "Federico Bruni" <brunology@xxxxxxx> wrote:

> In the attached example I show the small issue I have with fingering.
> If fingerings are set close to the note (let's say on the left), then
> in the TabStaff numbers could be too much distant, especially if there
> is an accidental.
> So I guess that now both accidentals and fingerings are set trasparent
> in the default tablature.
> I think accidentals must be kept trasparent, because this way the
> staff note is aligned with the tab number. Also, the look is perfect
> if there is just an accidental.
> But if accidental and fingerings happen to be on the side of a note,
> the look of TabStaff is not that good.
> What about removing fingering from TabStaff? (instead of just making
> it trasparent)
> Can this be a problem for tabFullNotation?
> I've tried a tweak in the attached file, but it does not work:
> \override TabStaff.Fingering #'stencil = ##f
> This works but it's not what I want:
> \override Staff.Fingering #'stencil = ##f
> Does it mean that Fingering belongs just to the Staff context?
> If so, why is it printed (even if trasparent) also in TabStaff?

I'm not positive that I understand your concern.

If both a Staff and a TabStaff are present (like in your example), it seems
to me that we want the tab numbers to match up with the notes on the Staff,
so we'll have less than desired spacing in the TabStaff.

If you only want to turn off fingering indications in the TabStaff, you'll
want to do this:

new StaffGroup <<
  \new Staff {
  \new TabStaff {
    \override Fingering #'stencil = ##f

This works, but the TabStaff spacing will be off because it will match up
with the Staff spacing.

If you eliminate the Staff, and just have the TabStaff, then things should
work fine.

There will be some warnings given, but the output seems to be just fine.

If I haven't answered your question, then try asking again.



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