Re: [tablatures] parallelMusic

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Federico Bruni wrote:

> I guess I could add a third variable which acts as a third voice, but
> it would not be that handy to write.. and it's not worth to add a new
> variable just because I need a third voice in one or two measures in
> the whole piece.

I think I'll have to use this method, as it seems that \parallelMusic
is not meant for complex music.. at least not yet, we'll see in the

So here's an example of my current template, with a third voice
istantiated to enable double glissando:

\version "2.13.8"

upper=  \relative c' {
	<a c>4 \glissando <b\3 d>2.

lower=  \relative c {
  r4  e,2.

thirdvoice= \relative c' {
	\hideNotes a4 \glissando b2.\3

  \score {
    \new StaffGroup <<
      \new Staff = "guitar" <<
        \context Voice = "upper guitar" { \clef "G_8" \voiceOne  \upper }
        \context Voice = "lower guitar" { \clef "G_8" \voiceTwo  \lower }
        \context Voice = "thirdguitar" { \clef "G_8" \voiceThree
\thirdvoice }
      \new TabStaff = "tab" <<
        \context TabVoice = "upper tab" { \clef "moderntab" \voiceOne
\upper }
        \context TabVoice = "lower tab" { \clef "moderntab" \voiceTwo
\lower }
        \context TabVoice = "thirdguitar" { \clef "moderntab"
\voiceThree  \thirdvoice }


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