Re: [tablatures] Baroque lute tablature

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Carl, you wrote Monday, November 23, 2009 6:03 PM

On 11/23/09 10:48 AM, "Trevor Daniels" <t.daniels@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Carl Sorensen wrote Sunday, November 22, 2009 3:08 PM

On 11/22/09 3:57 AM, "Trevor Daniels" <t.daniels@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Phase III: Tidy up and implement additional features

Some to consider:

  Laissez vibrer indication with correct end point
  Improved glyphs
  End of section and end of piece indications
  Double pluck indication (diagonal line between two frets)
  Simultaneous pluck indication (vertical line with decoration)
  Italian style

You may want this to be part of Phase I, as it will help govern
the context
and grob properties desired.

I left these until later as they all raise new
problems and I didn't want to hold up I and II
because of that.  Surely any properties they require
can be added when we come to code them, can't they ??

Of course they can. It's no problem to save them for later. And since it's
your project, you can work on it in any order you want.

If it were my project, I'd probably try to get decorations, double pluck
indication, and simultaneous pluck indication in Phase I.

OK, I'll have a think about this, but I think these
will all require new input syntax for hammer on, pull
off, etc, so they really have to be left until Phase III.

I'd probably also do Italian style in phase I.

I know this is rather different from the English, French
and German style, but I don't know much about it.

I'd leave Laissez vibrer, end of section, end of piece, and improved glyphs
for phase III.


I'm working now on the more detailed implementation
approach.  Might take a while as I have to understand
quite a bit of LilyPond's internals first.  When I
have things to discuss should I continue to use the tab
list, or move to the frogs?


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