[tablatures] 2.13.4 released

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Hello tablature users,

2.13.4 is released, so the is no need for tablature.ly any more!

Besides, there are two new commands for you which influence the
behavior of ties after line break and in second voltas.
As default, 'tied to' notes are displayed in parentheses, but if you
don't want this, use \hideSplitTiedTabNotes (Thanks to Federico who
wanted to switch easily to this style!). In case that you want
to change the behavior back, there is \showSplitTiedTabNotes.

I still have no news concering hammer on and bends simply because
I am busy at the moment writing a play for children choir and instruments
which sould be done until the end of september. Afterwards, I'll dive back
to these problems.
@David: how does a broken bend look like? I.e., something like
\bendOn c4 ( \break d ) ?


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