Re: [tablatures] slides

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Carl Sorensen schrieb:
Then I added the supported-clefs list to the file with the result that
the error message went away, but lilypond still claims that the clef
"moderntab" can't be found.

Then again, I tried to hardcode the values for the moderntab clef,
and this resulted in the attached file, but it still doesn't work. I
also tried to
include the definition for make-clef-set from scm/parser-clef.scm
in, but the function string-match is not known at this stage.

I think this is the way to go.  But I'm surprised that string-match isn't
known.  It's part of the core guile implementation.

What error did you get when you did this? In expression (string-match "^(.*)([_^])([0-9]+)$" clef-name): Unbound variable: string-match

I didn't get an attachment with this file, so I don't know how to
troubleshoot it  for you.
Oh, yes, I wanted to attach the file ... I hope in some years from now the
email clients are clever enough to warn you if you mention "attached" or
"send ... to you" that there is propably some attachment missing :-)

I'm really surprised that nobody makes a client that checks that.  I would
use it multiple times a month.  I hate it when I say "Here is ...,." and
then forget to do the attaching before I hit send.
Yeah, and I think we are not alone ...



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