Re: [tablatures] slides

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On 8/29/09 3:39 PM, "Marc Hohl" <marc@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Federico Bruni schrieb:
>> Marc Hohl wrote:
>>> Federico Bruni schrieb:
>>>> Marc Hohl wrote:
>>>>> Generally, such changes are not too difficult to manage, but *we*
>>>> as the
>>>>> tablature users should find
>>>>> a consensus, so if there are more proposals, wishes etc., please
>>>> let me
>>>>> know.
>>>> I have some questions regarding slides.
>>>> I think tablature users need different kinds of slides:
>>>> * legato slide: just the first note is picked (by fingers or
>>>> flatpick), the notes after the first one are not picked again.
>>>> In this case, besides the line which ties the numbers together,
>>>> there should be an arch (a slur) showing that is a legato slide
>>>> [this is what I've always seen in most books and tab editors].
>>> I think you can get this by combining a slur with a glissando line:
>>> c ( \glissando d )
>> yes, it works as expected
>>>> * slide up/ slide down: that is, when you slide from and indefinite
>>>> point to a precise note, so basically the first number is missing.
>>>> It can't be legato (because there's just one note).
>>>> I don't know if I can already get this with \glissando. I never
>>>> managed to get it working.
>>>> If I write \glissando "the note to slide to", it will connect the
>>>> note before with this note.
>>>> Do you know any workaround?
>>> I found the following workaround in the archives:
>>> It is not very pretty, but it works, for the moment...
>> I've tried this:
>> \grace{ \hideNotes a8\glissando s s \unHideNotes}  b4\3  d  e2
>> but it works just on the staff, the TabStaff displays the first note (a8)
>> how can I hide the note in TabStaff as well?
> Ah, yes, of course.
> You can define
> \hideFretNumber = \override TabNoteHead #'transparent = ##t
> \unHideFretNumber = \revert TabNoteHead #'transparent

For the definition, you need to remove the \ at the start:

hideFretNumber = \override TabNoteHead #'transparent = ##t
unHideFretNumber = \revert TabNoteHead #'transparent


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