Re: [frogs] [PATCH] chord names language

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On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 12:23 PM, Reinhold Kainhofer
<reinhold@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Ahm, I don't think that will work. In particular, I don't think that using the
> *INPUT* language to format *OUTPUT* is a bad idea. E.g. I'm writing everything
> in German, because that's the note names I have grown up with. However, in my
> scores, I sometimes use Italian note names for tunings.

My point was not to automatically use whatever the input language is
as the output language, but to avoid hardcoding note names. If you
have a look at my patch above, you'll see that the default language is
used by default regardless of what the current input language is;
however it takes an optional argument to specify another input
language (in case one would rather use Italian note names or the
current input language, or whatever).

> Although I never work with chord mode, I can imagine someone wanting to create
> editions for both German-speaking countries and English-speaking countries. Of
> course, it doesn't make sense to require that he rewrites the input file with
> different note names, does it?

This patch is primarily intended for the NoteNames engraver, rather
than chord notation. But it should ultimately be used for both,  (let
me stress this once again) *without* changing the current behavior.

> Rather, there should be an easy way to specify the output language, too.

Hence my optional arg :-)
I think we're all on the same page here.


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