[frogs] Re: T1055: Avoid using deprecated %module-public-interface in guile initialisation. (issue1160044)

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On 2010/08/10 19:00:01, Ian Hulin wrote:

Errm, unless you're using an unpatched, vanilla lily.scm from git you
won't see it because the handler will already be defined in

It doesn't make any difference for me.  profile-property-access.ly uses
(ice-9 format) unless it's rebound locally (as I did above for testing).
 The only case where it was already using ergonomic-simple-format arose
from the removal of module-public-interface (which you've restored in
the latest patch.)

To reiterate: with your patch applied, if I redefine format to use your
emended ergonomic-simple-format, the exception handler doesn't work, and
profile-property-access.ly fails in the same way as Patrick originally
reported.  It works with the changes I suggested.


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