Manipulating HarmonicParenthesesItem stuff within tie callback [was Re: [frogs] How can I obtain articulation informations?]

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Neil Puttock schrieb:
OK, but surely you need to work with tie::handle-tab-note-head?  IIRC,
the parentheses on the tied notes come via a stencil override, not
from ParenthesesItem.
Can I manipulate HarmonicParenthesesItem #'stencil or ~ #'transparent
within the callback tie::handle-tab-note-head (to be found in scm/tablature.scm)?

I can obtain the TabNoteHead via ly:spanner-bound, and I can check
whether the TabNoteHead includes a harmonic-event.
Now, similarly to the code for making the TabNoteHead invisible,
I have to do something like

\once \override HarmonicParenthesesItem #'transparent = ##t

within the callback. This means I need to code

(ly:grob-set-property! harmonic-brackets 'transparent #t)

where harmonic-brackets ist the grob I am aiming for.
Am I on the right track here? I have already covered the case where
a fret number is parenthesized *and* a harmonic, i.e. (<7>),
but the "simple" case where an "empty" tab note head has
surrounding harmonic brackets < > that have to be removed is
still open...

Thanks in advance,


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