Re: [frogs] How can I obtain articulation informations?

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Neil Puttock schrieb:
On 30 May 2010 21:06, Marc Hohl <marc@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I grepped through the code and tried various constructs for about an hour
now; can someone give me
a gentle push towards the obvious?

I doubt you need to worry about 'articulations here, since harmonics
in tablature are separate from ordinary parentheses (hint:
I am not sure whether I understand your proposals correctly.
I need to enclosure the harmonics within ordinary parentheses after
a line break, i.e. something like "(<7>)". The padding for the ()s
is set to zero in the routine I posted, so the parentheses are drawn over
the <>s.

My idea was to check within the parenthesize-tab-note-head routine
whether the tab note head is harmonic, and adjust the padding accordingly.


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