[frogs] Re: Enhancement request: Termination message for lilypond compilations

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On 25/03/10 00:22, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 6:31 PM, Ian Hulin<ian@xxxxxxxxxxxx>  wrote:
I've always thought it a real shame that the standard set of messages from
lilypond left you with a nagging sense of uncertainty whether it had
actually completed or not.

Typically, you would see this:

Why don't you alias lilypond to

   (lilypond "$*"&&  echo Success) || echo Failed
1. Lilypond is a multi-OS application, it doesn't just run under bash on a Linux-derived OS (e.g cmd on Windows, running from detached "gui" environment from JEdit or Frescobaldi - btw JEdit could also be running under Windows).

simpler, and more conformant to the unix tradition ("no news is good news").

2. Not necessarily transportable (see above).
3. "no news is good news" is also positive spin for "developers can't bothered" or "developer can't be bothered with user perspective of using the application". :-}

Seriously though, the current situation for Lilypond is inconsistent. If you have a set of
	doing this. . .
	doing that. . .
	doing the other. . .

messages, your application should have the good manners to let the user know it's finished
	doing . . .
and has either
	. . .succeeded
	. . .failed.

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