[frogs] bend implementation

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I am planning to implement bends.

The more I think about it, Carls proposal to handle bends with some kind of
"auto beam" mechanism is a brilliant idea.

As I can see it now, there will be two new engravers necessary:
1) a pointed slur engraver which handles the normal staves
2) a bend arrow engraver for the tab staves

(for a more detailed description, please visit


and have a look at

tablature Feature Request Examples - Part 2)

As bends are somewhat "fundamental" actions which interact with e.g. the
TabNoteHead, I think that besides the possibility do create engravers in scheme,
this should be done in c++, right?

I am not a very fast and skilled programmer, so I appreciate any kind
of help in this task. I am looking at the engraver sources, and while I think
I begin to understand, I am still struggling with the fundamental concepts.



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