[frogs] Lilypond variable definitions - are they accessible from Scheme?

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HI all,
I'm working on the Guile Debugger Stuff, and would like to try debugging a music function definition such as:
conditionalMark = #(define-music-function (parser location) ()
    #{ \tag #'instrumental-part {\mark \default}  #} )

It appears conditionalMark does not get set up as an equivalent of a Scheme
(define conditionalMark = define-music-function(parser location () ...
although something gets defined because Scheme apparently recognizes
#(set-break! conditionalMark)
    later on in the file without signalling any Guile errors.
However the breakpoint trap is never encountered as define-music-function passed things on to ly:make-music-function, which is really C++ code ly_make_music_function, so Guile never finds out about the breakpoint.

Any ideas?



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