Re: [frogs] CG chapter 3, first draft

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The links:

Graham Percival wrote:
> I use
>   tar -xjf lilypond-x.y.z-a.tar.bz2
> for the tar.gz (do we even distribute those?), you'd
> change the j to a z.

As far as I know, we *only* distribute those.  Where do you
see a lilypond[*].tar.bz2 file?

>> Okay, I changed "you need to run" to "you should run".
> well... ok.  Even that's not true, but it's easier than
> explaining "if some time has passed since the last time
> you ran ./configure or ./, then run
> ./configure".

Isn't it a good idea to run it before your first compile?
How is that not true?

>>> BTW, ./configure is *known* to not check all doc
>>> requirements.  A warning here would definitely be
>>> appropriate.
> I mean, yes, it *should* issue a warning, but it doesn't
> for some doc-building requirements.


> " To build with multiple CPUs, add -jX to the command,
> where X is one more than the number of cores you have.
> For examine, a typical Core2Duo machine would use:
>     make -j3 "


>>> 3.6.2
>>> sweet mao, we don't want people running doc-clean!!!
>> Why not?  You make it sound like there's something I
>> don't know.  Something that should be mentioned,
>> perhaps...
> It forces a complete rebuild, thereby taking 30 minutes to
> 3 hours, instead of 1-2 minutes to only generate the
> changed stuff.

Boy, I wish that had been made clear to me earlier!  I've
started a new thread on -devel to clarify these sorts of

- Mark


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