Re: [frogs] bend implementation

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Carl Sorensen schrieb:

If you can ask some more specific questions, maybe we can get answers.
Ok, here is one:

I think I begin to understand how engravers work, but there are some issues
that  aren't perfectly clear.

I tell the engraver which triggers it. The events are defined in
scm/define-music-events.scm, so I'll put some new events for triggering
bends there.

The whole ACKNOWLEDGER story is still a bit foggy to me.
What does that mean if I say

ADD_ACKNOWLEDGER (My_new_engraver, note_head); ?

Is this the key to get informations from the corresponding note heads
which I need to calculate the coordinates for the pointed slur?

The routines like ly:calc-pointed-slur-control-points don't belong
to the engraver, they are put in another file, isn't it? And there is no
master file which tells lilypond which * files are
included, so if if roll my own engraver and do 'make all', it will be

Thanks in advance,


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