[frogs] Help with the Guile debugger

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I've got to the stage in writing code where I need
to use the Guile debugger, but I find the instructions
in the CG:


don't work for me.  Here's what happens.

Compiling a ly program with debugging info is fine,
and after I've added \include "guile-debugger.ly"
to my test program it drops into the guile prompt
as it should.  So far so good.  But when I enter
the (break! ...) command the response is:

GNU LilyPond 2.13.10
Processing `test1.ly'
Parsing...guile> (break! tab-duration-formatter)
ERROR: Unbound variable: break!
ABORT: (unbound-variable)

But if I enter the commands contained in
guile-debugger.ly manually at the guile prompt
everything works as it should and I can set

I guess I'm doing something silly or missing
something obvious, but I can't see it.  Can anyone

TIA, Trevor

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