Re: [frogs] Changing subproperties with grob-set-property (working on bug #40)

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Neil Puttock schrieb:
2009/11/20 Marc Hohl <marc@xxxxxxxxxx>:

Is it then possible to create a fingering grob with the
gained informations on the fly, get its dimensions, and
kill it thereafter?

AFAIK, only engravers can create grobs.

Or can I get the information about the used font and can extract the width
of a digit somehow?

You don't know when a collision has occurred, so this wouldn't be very useful.
Hm, I can find out whether the note head has a fingering, so in that
case (given that I get to know whether it is at the left or not) I can
decrease the length of the glissando line. But you're right - very steep
glissando lines can "dive" under the number and need not to be
taken into account.
A truly generic solution, i.e., one which will cater not only for dots
and accidentals, but also any type of side-positioned grob, will
require C++ hacking, probably in both and
Arrrgh, I knew it ... ;-)


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