Re: [frogs] Scheme debugging and tracing

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Hi Reinhold,

Reinhold Kainhofer wrote:
Am Donnerstag, 16. April 2009 schrieb Ian Hulin:
I want to use this as I've been seeing if I can add some of the TODO's
in Reinhold's orchestrallily package.  (I've already managed to add
stuff like Tabstaff and RhythmicStaff processing, but I've got to the
stage where having a Scheme debug setup would be good.)
What version of orchestrallily are you using? In the latest version (I just 
noticed I have never officially released any new version after 0.02), I've 
already included them, in addition to some other fixes:

The git repository at (that's the web-
frontend), which can be checked out by 
   git clone git://
already has the latest changes. The documentation is now done with texinfo, 
I was using 0.02 (much hacked).  You chose a much more elegant way of implementing the other voice/staff types than me, so Im upgrading my scores to use 0.03+. 

I had begun looking at the polyphonic staff.  Where exactly in the new code do you set the equivalent of \voiceOne  \voiceTwo etc?
I can't see it in the version of orchestrallily I pulled using git. 
Also  shouldn't there be a check to ensure that you're only trying to put a maximum  of four voices on one of these staves, as lily only goes up to \voiceFour?

Cheers, Ian

Apart from that, yes, I agree some better Scheme debugging help would 
definitely be useful!



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