2009/2/26 Reinhold Kainhofer
On Donnerstag, 26. Februar 2009 22:38:53 Marek Klein wrote:
> (output-count (assoc-ref counter-alist 'output-suffix))
> (base (ly:parser-output-name parser))
> (output-suffix (ly:parser-lookup parser 'output-suffix)) )
You need to reverse this! The key for the assoc-ref lookup should NOT be the
'output-suffix symbol (note the '), but rather the value output-suffix, which
you look up only later. So, simply move the definition of output-count after
the output-suffix and use output-suffix instead of 'output-suffix.
Later on, you use output-suffix in assoc-set!, so you need to use the same
value in the assoc-ref, too.