[frogs] Patch for My bit of Frogs Task 1.

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Hi Carl,

Here's a patch for ny bit of the first Frogs Task, but I've got some questions. I've noticed that music-functions-init.ly is supposed to be alphabetical, but several are out of order (e.g. pageBreak followed by noPageBreak because they've been grouped by function). Also the updated lyric-handling functions are not there (addlyrics, lyricsto, lyricmode). I've put a TODO comment in about this in the file, but are there any other files the build uses as a source for documentation streams that I need to add doc strings to?

I've also attached a small example of using mapMusic to use different articulation styles for a passage of music - any use as an LSR snippet?


Ian Hulin

Author: Ian Hulin <ian@xxxxxxxxxxxx>  2009-01-09 16:16:40
Committer: Ian Hulin <ian@xxxxxxxxxxxx>  2009-01-09 16:16:40
Parent: 4e0f54f94babca93881e1510865c3e7237ecee0d (Change example for fret diagrams to show opposing-landscape)
Branch: FrogsIanHulin
Follows: release/2.12.1-1

    Frogs Task 1 - add documentation strings for functions \musicMap to \pageBreak

-------------------------- ly/music-functions-init.ly --------------------------
index a112b67..5dc2d5a 100644
@@ -340,13 +340,23 @@ makeClusters =
 musicMap =
 #(define-music-function (parser location proc mus) (procedure? ly:music?)
+(_i "Apply a function operating on a single piece of music to an entire music expression.
+ Usage: @var{proc} The function must be a procedure written in Scheme.  
+        @var{mus} The music expression to which @var{proc} is to be applied.
+	The scheme function will be applied  to each item in the music expression.
+ The function could be used, for example, to apply a series of different articulations 
+ to a repeated section of music" )
 	     (music-map proc mus))
+% TODO Ensure that entries are generated for \addlyrics, \lyricmode \lyricsto
+%      and other lyrics functions
 oldaddlyrics =
 #(define-music-function (parser location music lyrics) (ly:music? ly:music?)
+(_i "Obsolete function @code{oldaddlyrics} @var(lyrics) was used to add a block 
+    of lyrics text to a music expression.
+    Please use @code(addlyrics) @var{lyrics} or @code{lyricsto} and 
+    @code{lyricmode) instead.")
               (make-music 'OldLyricCombineMusic 
                           'origin location
                           'elements (list music lyrics)))

Attachment: frogs-test.ly
Description: application/extension-ly

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