Re: [kobuge-devel] GitHub team reorganization

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2015-08-29 7:40 GMT+02:00 Божидар Маринов <>:
Hey @alket @Akien @erik90mx @mansonmamaril, 

Currently we have a large `Owners` team and no other teams. That means that everybody in it can delete repos, create repos, kick/ban others from the team, add new people (malicious or not), and a bunch of other permissions...

Yes I share those concerns, I'm fine with growing Kobuge exponentially, as after all the main purpose of Kobuge is to make open source games, so if all the newcomers who join us want to make free software, they are very welcome.

On the other hand, giving admin rights to everybody regardless of their previous involvement in the team is too much IMO, as we end up with a ton of admins who can do whatever they want with our work. I don't think that would happen, but any of those newcomers could in two clicks delete the minilens and ringed repos for example...

I suggest that we move people to different teams, maybe based on repository. (e.g. pcvonz might join a team that can't delete repos, untill we know him better etc.)

I think that's a good idea. We should keep a small team of owners that can manage the organisation (likely the most active Kobuge contributors, so at least Alket, Bojidar and Erik + maybe two or three more from our historical team to prevent having too much inertia if the owners are not around.

Then we should make teams with push rights for each repo (ringed, minilens, reines, etc.), and add only the contributors who actually work on those games in those teams. Other contributors would of course still be very welcome to make pull requests, and they could also eventually be added as one of the main devs of the repo once they've shown real interest and that they respect our workflow.



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