Re: [events] Deadline for participation

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(Note: replying inline/bottom posting because I'm a mailing list nerd
and still follow the Old Gods)

2017-12-08 12:16 GMT+01:00 Ilaria Cislaghi <cislaghi.ilaria@xxxxxxxxx>:
> Hello, QbieHere.

Hi there :)

> I think we should decide a date that we would consider a deadline for the
> expected number of partecipants of GodotCon. that way, we can then decide
> how the room/rooms will be and we can give accurate infos to venues. I will
> forward the email from ICAB, so we know what kind of infos we should provide

Definitely, though I need to publish the actual announcement (will do
today) before that.

I think we can ask people to register before 31.12.2017 so that we can
have a good estimate of the number of participants. I'm pretty sure
people will still register during January, but it we make it clear
that we want people to register ASAP and before the 31.12.2017 we
should have 80% of the registrants already by then.


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