[[Cairo-Dock]] Cairo-Dock / GLX-Dock 3.0.0

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Yeaaah! Cairo-Dock / GLX-Dock 3.0 has just been released! :)

So... what's new in this version? The main changes:
 * The *taskbar* has been greatly enhanced.
 * The *Log out* applet has been rewritten, now allowing you to switch
 * The *control of the dock from the keyboard* is now very powerful: 
  * many shortkeys have been added in several applets.
  * you can activate a launcher by pressing a shortkey + its number.
  * all shortkeys can now be managed in a single place in the
configuration window. 
 * The *Sound Menu* from Ubuntu has been integrated into the
Sound-Control applet. 
 * A new *Twitter applet* lets you tweet in one click. 
 * A new applet to *inhibit the screensaver* in one click. 
 * Separators are transparent to click in *'Panel'* mode.
 * Cairo-Dock now uses *GTK3*, for a better integration in a Gnome
 * Few additions to the DBus API.
 * Text drawing (e.g. with Clock) has been improved.
 * Icons from user icons theme are now loaded with the right size.
 * The new default theme with a panel is now included in the core
 * It's possible to donate to support the project!

But there is also a lot of improvements and fixed bugs!

If you want to install this new version, the tarballs are available
 * Core:
  * MD5: a119abf3f3b05ff214fafddab371cdbd
  * Signature:
 * Plug-ins:
  * MD5: b19935b72c071ca91d9295b17f53253a
  * Signature:
 * Third-Party:
  * http://glx-dock.org/mc_album.php?a=8
  * Or a tarball:

For Ubuntu users: our repository and ppa have been updated. If you want
to use our ppa, simply execute these commands in a terminal:
    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:cairo-dock-team
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install cairo-dock cairo-dock-plug-ins

For Debian users: our repository will be updated asap!

Other: please have a look there:

Note that if you like this work, don't hesitate to help us by reporting
bugs, by donating with Paypal or Flattr, by translating the dock, by
proposing new themes or new patches, by proposing new ideas, by posting
an article on your blog, or simply by writing a little comments on our
forum ;)
More information:

And if you want to follow us, there are a few ways:

Thank you to all contributors! (specially Fabounet for this great
work ;) )

Matt for the Cairo-Dock team.

PS: a few links
2 screenshots:
* a Cairo-Dock session
* 4 actions

A screencast:
 * without annotations:
 * with annotations:
An article for blogs: 

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