[sponsorship] possible keynote

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this guy would be a perfect keynote for both conferences
he is on the osmf board and he was in hati helping people out!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mikel Maron <mikel_maron@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, Apr 30, 2010 at 1:31 PM
Subject: Re: Someone from OSM needs to visit the mayor of Shkoder
Albania to get  detailed CAD files of the City
To: "jamesmikedupont@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <jamesmikedupont@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>


On the one point on Albania/Kosovo conferences, I'm interested, and
will likely be in Europe during that time.


== Mikel Maron ==
+254(0)724899738 @mikel s:mikelmaron

From: "jamesmikedupont@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <jamesmikedupont@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: board@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Thu, April 29, 2010 8:22:20 AM
Subject: Someone from OSM needs to visit the mayor of Shkoder Albania
to get detailed CAD files of the City

Dear Osm Board,

As you might know, we are working on Crisismapping of the city of
Shkoder where it was flooded.
We have gotten assistance of 8 volunteers from giscorps.org and have
been making good progress.
We have gotten donations of street vector data and old maps from many sources.

In addition, I have been in contact with the mayor of Shkoder who has
promised us a detailed CAD of the city and other needed data. But we
need to go and meet with him, they dont even have email. We need to
make personal contact with Shkoder.

My request is for travel expenses and some gps devices to go to
Shkoder , to meet with the mayor and get the cad files, to work there
for some days/weeks (depending on funding) to collect more data on the
site and train some locals in using gps devices. In fact, it does not
even have to be me, but someone from OSM needs to do this.

I would need about 400 Euros for a bus ticket both ways from Germany
to Albania, and about 20 euros a day expenses. Of course a plane
ticket would be better. Also any GPS devices or money to do so would
be welcome.

We have had the founding ceremony of the flossal.org the albanian
association for software freedom and open knowledge last week, that
group like flossk.org in kosovo has the goal to work with the osm
foundation and to promote the openstreetmap project. In addition we
are in negotion with the city of Prizren, we have received detailed
planning maps from them and are working on the paperwork for very high
resolution helicopter orthophotos of the entire area.

We also have two conferences this September and I have written an open
letter to invite you all to come and speak. It would be great to get
speakers from OSMF to come and keynote the conferences:

In addition we can also organize an event any time you have time to
speak, it does not have to at the conference.

We are still waiting for feedback on the GPS Devices for Kosovo that
Gent Thaqi requested, is there any update on that?

thank you very much,

James Michael DuPont

ps , Here is my CV if you are interested,  I am currently looking for

pps , I have also had a productive meeting with the Planning
commission of the city of offenbach germany where I live, and
presented openstreetmap, here is my report :

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