[sponsorship] Re: [nsnd] Fwd: one major speaker coming for 2 weeks at least, lets share costs!

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On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 6:14 PM, jamesmikedupont@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
<jamesmikedupont@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> sept 13 or 20th are possible!

you mean 14th or 21th?

> lets talk!

there are some administrative constraints on my side. it's very hard
for me to cover traveling costs if i don't pay it with my
organization's credit card. that also makes problems when people comes
from places from where the ticket is too expensive for our budget. for
the accommodation we have some loose partnerships with few hotels. if
the ticket was payed by our org's card we can also pay a fee for the
lecture (about $200 before taxes). if not, i can't pay a fee but just
per diems (around $30 before taxes).

also for the traveling costs we can just cover costs from one
destionation direct to zagreb and the same after zagreb.

all of the constraints come from the fact we got some money from city
department of culture and these are their requests on how to spend the

hope this can help.

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