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Alessandro Rubini from Pavia, Italy. http://www.linux.it/~rubini/

Alessandro is an independent consultant 
specialized in the Linux kernel, device drivers, real time, 
embedded systems, low-level networking.

He is one of authors of "Linux Device Driver"

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Nicola Corriero <nicolacorriero@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, May 21, 2010 at 2:58 PM
Subject: Re: Open Source Conference
To: "jamesmikedupont@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <jamesmikedupont@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Ervin Ruci <eruci@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Dear James,
it is a pleaure even for me also to help you for this conference.

I would invite a keynote speakers.

Alessandro Rubini from Pavia, Italy. http://www.linux.it/~rubini/

Alessandro is an independent consultant 
specialized in the Linux kernel, device drivers, real time, 
embedded systems, low-level networking.

He is one of authors of "Linux Device Driver"

I invited him in University of Bari for some seminars about Embedded Linux System recently.

If you want i can write him but i don't think that will be some problems.


2010/5/20 jamesmikedupont@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx <jamesmikedupont@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Thank you very much Ervin,
it is a pleasure to be introduced, Professor Nicola,

I would like to talk to you about leading the paper review and possibly sponsorship team for the university side of the conference.
my experience with the university of prishtina was that we had a joint team of people from the community (flossal.org/flossk.org) and from the university. you can find the following documents attached,
MOU of flossk and university of PR from last year as a template, and our current proposal for sponsorship.
you can find the updated webpage of the conference here.

http://flossal.org/f know Alessandro reesb-2010-conference/

I will prepare a list of people who have submitted papers for you to review tomorrow and a list of possible keynote speakers we have found so fare, but who are lacking funding.

one of the best speakers we have found so far is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_H._Salus peter salus, who wrote the book on the history of unix.

Also we are in discussion with http://datacharmer.org/ Giuseppe Maxia from mysql/oracle about a sponsorship. We have speakers from fedora and others from the gnash project, two from the mediawiki translation team, 3 speakers from the openstreetmap foundation board, a lead developer from sugar/olpc, and many other interested developers.

I look forward to hearing from you,



On Thu, May 20, 2010 at 10:41 PM, Ervin Ruci <eruci@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Prof Nicola meet James Michael Dupont
James meet Nicola Corriero

James is one of the main organisers of the FSC organized here at CSEE
Nikola is a free/OSS and linux guru that has expressed interest in this venture

After this brief introduction I am sure you can take this conversation further.


Nicola Corriero

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