[EGD-discu] [PATCH 2/2] Nouveau générateur: android

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 configGenerator/android.py | 172 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 configGenerator/genAll.sh  |   1 +
 2 files changed, 173 insertions(+)
 create mode 100755 configGenerator/android.py

diff --git a/configGenerator/android.py b/configGenerator/android.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..026a3f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configGenerator/android.py
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Produit une carte de touches android à partir d'un fichier xkb
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Gaëtan Lehmann <gaetan.lehmann@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Anisse Astier <anisse@xxxxxxxxx>
+# Utilisable uniquement au sein du configGenerator bépo;
+# premier argument: le fichier xkb source
+# second argument: le fichier de sortie kcm
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+import defaults, sys
+defaults.xkbFile = sys.argv[1]
+import xkb, dead_keys, codecs
+from terminators import terminators
+keyTemplate = """key %(QWERTYNAME)s {
+    label:              '%(UPPERNAME)s'
+    base:               '%(LOWERNAME)s'
+    shift, capslock:    '%(UPPERNAME)s'
+    shift+capslock:     '%(LOWER2NAME)s'
+    ralt:               '%(ALTGRNAME)s'
+    shift+ralt:         '%(SHALTGRNAME)s'
+xkbToQwerty = {
+        'TLDE': 'GRAVE',
+        'AE01': '1',
+        'AE02': '2',
+        'AE03': '3',
+        'AE04': '4',
+        'AE05': '5',
+        'AE06': '6',
+        'AE07': '7',
+        'AE08': '8',
+        'AE09': '9',
+        'AE10': '0',
+        'AE11': 'MINUS',
+        'AE12': 'EQUALS',
+        'AD01': 'Q',
+        'AD02': 'W',
+        'AD03': 'E',
+        'AD04': 'R',
+        'AD05': 'T',
+        'AD06': 'Y',
+        'AD07': 'U',
+        'AD08': 'I',
+        'AD09': 'O',
+        'AD10': 'P',
+        'AD11': 'LEFT_BRACKET',
+        'AD12': 'RIGHT_BRACKET',
+        'AC01': 'A',
+        'AC02': 'S',
+        'AC03': 'D',
+        'AC04': 'F',
+        'AC05': 'G',
+        'AC06': 'H',
+        'AC07': 'J',
+        'AC08': 'K',
+        'AC09': 'L',
+        'AC10': 'SEMICOLON',
+        'AC11': 'APOSTROPHE',
+        'BKSL': 'BACKSLASH',
+        'LSGT': 'PLUS',
+        'AB01': 'Z',
+        'AB02': 'X',
+        'AB03': 'C',
+        'AB04': 'V',
+        'AB05': 'B',
+        'AB06': 'N',
+        'AB07': 'M',
+        'AB08': 'COMMA',
+        'AB09': 'PERIOD',
+        'AB10': 'SLASH',
+        'SPCE': 'SPACE',
+    }
+# Arbitrary names that are in the keyTemplate
+modifiersMap =  {
+        'shift': 'UPPER',
+        'option': 'ALTGR',
+        '': 'LOWER',
+        'shift_capslock': 'LOWER2',
+        'shift_option': 'SHALTGR',
+    }
+androidkeys = {}
+for k in xkbToQwerty.itervalues():
+    androidkeys[k] = {}
+for k, v in xkb.tmplValues.iteritems():
+    v = terminators.get( v, v )
+    if v == "":
+        v = " "
+    key = k.split('_', 1)
+    if len(key) == 0:
+        continue
+    xkbName = key[0]
+    if len(key) > 1:
+        modifiers = key[1]
+    else:
+        modifiers = ""
+    #print("Key: %s, modifier: %s, value: %s"%(xkbName,modifiers,v))
+    for km, vm in modifiersMap.iteritems():
+        if modifiers == km:
+            #print("%s %s: %s"%(xkbToQwerty[xkbName], modifiersMap[modifiers], v))
+            # Unicode all the things
+            value = hex(ord(v))[2:].upper()
+            value = "0000"[0:4-len(value)] + value
+            #Prepare the map for what we'll print later
+            androidkeys[xkbToQwerty[xkbName]][vm + 'NAME'] = '\u' + value
+# special case for android dead keys
+androidkeys[xkbToQwerty['AD05']]['ALTGRNAME'] = '\\u0300' #dead_grave
+androidkeys[xkbToQwerty['AD02']]['ALTGRNAME'] = '\\u0301' #dead_acute
+androidkeys[xkbToQwerty['AD06']]['LOWERNAME'] = '\\u0302' #dead_circumflex
+androidkeys[xkbToQwerty['AC10']]['ALTGRNAME'] = '\\u0303' #dead_tilde
+out = codecs.open(sys.argv[2], "w", "utf8")
+out.write(u"""# File generated automatically
+# It's under MIT license - don't hesitate to contact me
+# Copyright (c) 2014 Anisse Astier <anisse@xxxxxxxxx> and PushVision
+# Remap AZERTY to QWERTY, we want to be like in Generic.kl
+# This is a conscious decision, because we cannot attribute key labels to all
+# keys: ÉÀÈÊÇ, etc. don't have key labels (found in KeycodeLabels.h or
+# InputEventLabels.h)).
+# I'm also secretly hoping it might help with badly-programmed games that have
+# keyboard support, assume qwerty, and don't allow key remapping. If those
+# exist on Android.
+map key 16 Q
+map key 17 W
+map key 30 A
+map key 39 SEMICOLON
+map key 44 Z
+map key 50 M
+map key 51 COMMA
+# 102ND key we want to use, not as a BACKSLASH
+map key 86 PLUS
+# Others that might have been touched, just shooting in the dark
+map key 12 MINUS
+map key 13 EQUALS
+map key 21 Y
+map key 53 SLASH
+map key 100 ALT_RIGHT
+for k, v in iter(sorted(androidkeys.iteritems())):
+    v['QWERTYNAME'] = k
+    out.write( keyTemplate % v)
diff --git a/configGenerator/genAll.sh b/configGenerator/genAll.sh
index 5a896f1..2b87496 100755
--- a/configGenerator/genAll.sh
+++ b/configGenerator/genAll.sh
@@ -24,5 +24,6 @@ VERSION=1.0rc3
 ./wscons.py      "results/layout-${VERSION}.xkb" "results/layout-${VERSION}.wscons"
 ./macosx.py      "results/layout-${VERSION}.xkb" "results/layout-${VERSION}.keylayout"
 ./keytables.py   "results/layout-${VERSION}.xkb" "results/layout-${VERSION}.keytables"
+./android.py     "results/layout-${VERSION}.xkb" "results/layout-${VERSION}.kcm"
 perl -p -e 's#\tinclude "pc\(pc105\)"#\tinclude "pc/pc(pc105)"#g' "results/layout-${VERSION}-user.xkb" > "results/layout-${VERSION}-user-legacy.xkb"

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