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Hallo, im Rahmen der Gdmath-Tools Multiplikation- bzw. Divisionsaufgabe habe ich eine horizontale Variante programmiert. Bei der Division führe eine Rechnung wie 0,001/6 zu einem Fehler - ist nun beseitigt. Ergänzend dazu: 1) OooGdmaths.Gdmaths, Sub TraceLigneGroupe: Der übergebene String "position" kann auch den Wert "t" annehmen. Das nutze ich bei der Multiplikation, damit der untere Strich die gleiche Länge wie der obere hat. 2) OooGdmaths.AdditionCode, Sub DimensionTexte: Folgende Zeilen hinzugefügt: xShape.Text.TextLeftDistance=0 xShape.Text.TextRightDistance=0 Dadurch werden die Ziffern in den Rechenaufgaben enger zusammen geschrieben. Ich würde gern eure Meinung dazu erfahren. Natürlich auch, wenn es Unsinn ist oder Fehler auftreten. Gruß, Michael |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-//OpenOffice.org//DTD OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd"> <script:module xmlns:script="http://openoffice.org/2000/script" script:name="AdditionCode" script:language="StarBasic">'OOoGdmath 'Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Gilles Daurat 'This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or 'modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License 'as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 'of the License, or (at your option) any later version. 'This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 'but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 'MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the 'GNU General Public License for more details. 'You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 'along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software 'Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. Option Explicit Dim oAdditionForm as Object Sub Main oAdditionForm = LoadDialog("OOoGdmath","AdditionForm") ChangeTitreDialog(oAdditionForm) ' RestaureForm(oAdditionForm) oAdditionForm.Execute() End Sub Private Sub AdditionCode_CheckBox1_Click() oAdditionForm.Model.TextBox3.Enabled = oAdditionForm.Model.CheckBox1.State End Sub Private Sub AdditionCode_CommandButton1_Click() oAdditionForm.EndExecute() SauveForm(oAdditionForm) Operation(oAdditionForm.Model.TextBox1.Text, oAdditionForm.Model.CheckBox1.State) End Sub Private Sub AdditionCode_CommandButton2_Click() oAdditionForm.EndExecute() End Sub Private Sub AdditionCode_Image1_Click() ChangeCouleur oAdditionForm.Model.Image1 End Sub Private Sub AdditionCode_TextBox3_Change() oAdditionForm.Model.TextBox3.Text = Left$(oAdditionForm.Model.TextBox3.Text, 1) End Sub Sub InsereAdditionSoustractionSexa(tableau$(), Operation) Dim Resultat$(3) Dim l,h, retenue, i, resnum, terme1, terme2, resul Dim Shapes as Object InitialiseDessin(False) Shapes=InitialiseGroupe() DimensionTexte "8",12,l,h Select Case Operation Case "+" retenue = 0 For i = 2 To 0 Step -1 tableau$(0,i)=right("00" & tableau$(0,i),2) tableau$(1,i)=right("00" & tableau$(1,i),2) resnum = Val(tableau$(0, i)) + Val(tableau$(1, i)) + retenue If resnum > 59 Then resnum = resnum - 60 retenue = 1 else retenue = 0 End If Resultat$(i) = Right$("00" + Trim(Str(resnum)), 2) Next i Case "-" retenue = 0 For i = 2 To 0 Step -1 tableau$(0,i)=right("00" & tableau$(0,i),2) tableau$(1,i)=right("00" & tableau$(1,i),2) If Val(tableau$(0, i)) < Val(tableau$(1, i)) Then resnum = 60 + Val(tableau$(0, i)) - (Val(tableau$(1, i)) + retenue) retenue = 1 Else resnum = Val(tableau$(0, i)) - (Val(tableau$(1, i)) + retenue) retenue = 0 End If Resultat$(i) = Right$("00" + Trim(Str(resnum)), 2) Next i End Select if tableau$(0,0)="00" and tableau$(1,0)="00" then terme1 = MIif(Left$(tableau$(0, 1), 1) = "0", Right$(tableau$(0, 1), 1), tableau$(0, 1)) & "m" & tableau$(0, 2) & "s" terme2 = Operation & MIif(Left$(tableau$(1, 1), 1) = "0", Right$(tableau$(1, 1), 1), tableau$(1, 1)) & "m" & tableau$(1, 2) & "s" resul = MIif(Left$(Resultat$(1), 1) = "0", Right$(Resultat$(1), 1), Resultat$(1)) & "m" & Resultat$(2) & "s" else terme1 = MIif(Left$(tableau$(0, 0) = "0", Right$(tableau$(0, 0), 1), tableau$(0, 0)) & "h" & tableau$(0, 1) & "m" & tableau$(0, 2) & "s" terme2 = Operation & MIif(Left$(tableau$(1, 0), 1) = "0", Right$(tableau$(1, 0), 1), tableau$(1, 0)) & "h" & tableau$(1, 1) & "m" & tableau$(1, 2) & "s" resul = MIif(Left$(Resultat$(0), 1) = "0", Right$(Resultat$(0), 1), Resultat$(0)) & "h" & Resultat$(1) & "m" & Resultat$(2) & "s" End If AfficheTexte 10, 1, terme1, False, 0, Shapes, l, h AfficheTexte 10, 2, terme2, False, 0, Shapes, l, h TraceLigneGroupe Shapes, "s", oAdditionForm.Model.Image1 AfficheTexte 10, 3, resul, False, 0, Shapes, l, h GroupeObjet(Shapes) TermineDessin() End Sub Sub DimensionTexte(texte,taillefonte,l,h) Dim xShape As Object Dim aPoint As New com.sun.star.awt.Point Dim aSize As New com.sun.star.awt.Size xShape = oDocumentDessin.createInstance("com.sun.star.drawing.TextShape") aPoint.x = 0 aPoint.y = 0 aSize.Width = 10 aSize.Height = 10 xShape.Position = aPoint xShape.Size=aSize oDocumentDessin.DrawPages.GetByIndex(0).add(xShape) xShape.String = texte xShape.Text.CharHeight=taillefonte xShape.Text.TextAutoGrowWidth=True xShape.Text.TextAutoGrowHeight=True xShape.Text.TextLeftDistance=0 xShape.Text.TextRightDistance=0 'xShape.Text.TextUpperDistance=0 'xShape.Text.TextLowerDistance=0 l=xShape.Size.Width h=xShape.Size.Height oDocumentDessin.DrawPages.GetByIndex(0).remove(xShape) End Sub Function AfficheRetenue(x, y, t, sgroupe As Object,l,h) as Object Dim j As Integer Dim c As String Dim xShape As Object Dim aPoint As New com.sun.star.awt.Point Dim n For j = 1 To Len(t) c = Mid$(t, Len(t) + 1 - j, 1) if c<>"0" then xShape = oDocumentDessin.createInstance("com.sun.star.drawing.TextShape") oDocumentDessin.DrawPages.GetByIndex(0).add(xShape) xShape.String = c xShape.Text.CharFontName = OOoGdmath_NomPolice xShape.Text.CharHeight = OOoGdmath_TaillePolice/2.4 xShape.Text.CharPosture=com.sun.star.awt.FontSlant.ITALIC xShape.Text.TextAutoGrowWidth=True xShape.Text.TextAutoGrowHeight=True aPoint.x = (x-j)*l*2 aPoint.y = y*h xShape.Position = aPoint If Not IsMissing(sgroupe) Then sgroupe.add(xShape) n=1 End if Next j if n=1 then AfficheRetenue()=xShape else AfficheRetenue()=Nothing end if End Function Function AfficheTexte(x, y, t, virgule, place, sgroupe As Object,l,h) as Object Dim j As Integer Dim c As String Dim xShape As Object Dim aPoint As New com.sun.star.awt.Point If virgule Then While place >= Len(t) t = "0" & t Wend End If For j = 1 To Len(t) c = Mid$(t, Len(t) + 1 - j, 1) If c = "m" Then c = "min" 'if c=chr(180) then c=chr(215) xShape = oDocumentDessin.createInstance("com.sun.star.drawing.TextShape") oDocumentDessin.DrawPages.GetByIndex(0).add(xShape) If virgule And j - 1 = place Then xShape.String = c & "," Else xShape.String = c End If xShape.Text.CharFontName = OOoGdmath_NomPolice xShape.Text.CharHeight = OOoGdmath_TaillePolice xShape.Text.TextAutoGrowWidth=True xShape.Text.TextAutoGrowHeight=True xShape.Text.TextLeftDistance=0 xShape.Text.TextRightDistance=0 'xShape.Text.TextUpperDistance=0 'xShape.Text.TextLowerDistance=0 aPoint.x = (x-j)*l*2 aPoint.y = y*h xShape.Position = aPoint If Not IsMissing(sgroupe) Then sgroupe.add(xShape) Next j AfficheTexte()=xShape End Function Sub RemplaceChiffreCaractere(texte$, Caractere) Dim k, nTexte$, j Dim a$ k = Len(texte$) nTexte$ = "" For j = 1 To k a$ = Mid$(texte$, j, 1) If a$ >= "0" And a$ <= "9" Then nTexte$ = nTexte$ & Caractere Else nTexte$ = nTexte$ & a$ End If Next j texte$ = nTexte$ End Sub Sub Operation(UnTexte As String, Optional Resultat as Boolean) Dim Param$(2, 3) Dim parametre() as string Dim operande() as string Dim texte$, a, b, texte1$, texte2$, noperande1, i, noperande2, MM, m, terme1, terme2 Dim uneOperation if instr(1,unTexte,"+")<>0 then UneOperation="+" if instr(1,unTexte,"-")<>0 then UneOperation="-" if instr(1,unTexte,"*")<>0 then UneOperation="*" if instr(1,unTexte,"/")<>0 then UneOperation="/" if ismissing(Resultat) then Resultat=False texte$ = unTexte If InStr(1, texte$, ":") Then SupprimeEspace texte$ ' Operations sexegesimales ChargeParametre texte$, operande(), UneOperation ChargeParametre operande(0), parametre(), ":" for i=lbound(parametre()) to ubound(parametre()) parametre(i)=left("00", 2-len(parametre(i))) & parametre(i) param$(0,i + 2 - ubound(parametre()))=parametre(i) next i ChargeParametre operande(1), parametre(), ":" for i=lbound(parametre()) to ubound(parametre()) parametre(i)=left("00", 2-len(parametre(i))) & parametre(i) param$(1,i + 2 - ubound(parametre()))=parametre(i) next i InsereAdditionSoustractionSexa Param$(), UneOperation Else MM = Left$(texte$, InStr(1, texte$, UneOperation) - 1) RemplaceVirgulePoint MM m = Right$(texte$, Len(texte$) - InStr(1, texte$, UneOperation)) RemplaceVirgulePoint m Select Case UneOperation Case "*" ' InsereMultiplication MM, m, False Case "+" InsereAdditionSoustraction MM, m, "+", MIif(Resultat, oAdditionForm.Model.TextBox3.Text, "") Case "-" If Val(MM) < Val(m) Then MsgBoxP "message1" Else InsereAdditionSoustraction MM, m, "-", MIif(Resultat, oAdditionForm.Model.TextBox3.Text, "") End If Case "/" ' InsereDivisionEntiere MM, m, False End Select End If End Sub Sub InsereAdditionSoustraction(terme1, terme2, Operation, OperationTrou) Dim terme(10) As String Dim sterme(10) As String Dim retenue as string Dim retenues as string Dim pemax as Integer Dim ncmax as integer Dim nchiffre(10) As Integer Dim pechiffre(10) as integer Dim l,h, i, j, k, ResultatN, Resultat$, imax, imaxd, Signe Dim Shapes as Object Dim tot as integer terme(1) = terme1 terme(2) = terme2 RemplaceVirgulePoint terme(1) RemplaceVirgulePoint terme(2) i = 1 k = 2 While InStr(i, terme2, "+") <> 0 j = InStr(i, terme2, "+") terme(k) = Mid$(terme2, i, j - i) RemplaceVirgulePoint terme(k) i = j + 1 k = k + 1 Wend terme(k) = Right$(terme2, Len(terme2) - i + 1) RemplaceVirgulePoint terme(k) k = k + 1 If Operation = "+" Then ResultatN = 0 For i = 1 To k ResultatN = ResultatN + Val(terme(i)) Next i Resultat$ = Str(ResultatN) End If If Operation = "-" Then Resultat$ = Str(Val(terme(1)) - Val(terme(2))) Resultat$ = Right$(Resultat$, Len(Resultat$) - 1) terme(k) = Resultat$ pemax = 0 ncmax = 0 For i = 1 To k nchiffre(i) = InStr(1, terme(i), ".") if nchiffre(i) = 0 then pechiffre(i) = len(terme(i)) else pechiffre(i) = nchiffre(i) - 1 end if if pemax < pechiffre(i) then pemax = pechiffre(i) If nchiffre(i) > 0 Then nchiffre(i) = Len(terme(i)) - nchiffre(i) If nchiffre(i) > 0 Then terme(i) = Left$(terme(i), Len(terme(i)) - 1 - nchiffre(i)) & Right$(terme(i), nchiffre(i)) if ncmax < nchiffre(i) then ncmax = nchiffre(i) Next i For i=1 to k sterme(i) = left$("0000000000", pemax-pechiffre(i)) & terme(i) & left$("0000000000", ncmax-nchiffre(i)) next i if oAdditionForm.Model.CheckBox2.State Then if Operation="+" then retenue = "" for i = 1 to len(sterme(1)) tot = 0 for j= 1 to k-1 tot = tot + val(mid(sterme(j),i,1) next j retenue = retenue & trim(str(int(tot/10))) next i retenue = retenue & "0" else retenue = "" retenues = "" for i = 1 to len(sterme(1)) if val(mid(sterme(1),i,1)) < val(mid(sterme(2),i,1)) then retenue = retenue & "1" retenues = retenues & "1" else retenue = retenue & "0" retenues = retenues & "0" end if next i retenues = retenues & "0" End if End if InitialiseDessin(False) Shapes=InitialiseGroupe() DimensionTexte "8",12,l,h if oAdditionForm.Model.CheckBox2.State Then AfficheRetenue 9.8 + ncmax, 0.8, retenue, Shapes, l, h if Operation <> "+" then AfficheRetenue 9.7 + ncmax, 2.7, retenues, Shapes, l, h End if AfficheTexte 10 + nchiffre(1), 1, terme(1), nchiffre(1) > 0, nchiffre(1), Shapes, l, h imax = Len(terme(1)) - nchiffre(1) imaxd = nchiffre(1) For i = 2 To k If imax < Len(terme(i)) - nchiffre(i) Then imax = Len(terme(i)) - nchiffre(i) End If If imaxd < nchiffre(i) Then imaxd = nchiffre(i) End If Next i For i = 2 To k-1 AfficheTexte 10 + nchiffre(i), i, Operation & left(" ", pemax - pechiffre(i)) & terme(i), nchiffre(i) > 0, nchiffre(i), Shapes,l,h Next i TraceLigneGroupe Shapes, "s", oAdditionForm.Model.Image1 If OperationTrou <> "" Then RemplaceChiffreCaractere terme(k), OperationTrou AfficheTexte 10 + nchiffre(k), MIif(Operation="+",k,k+.3), terme(k), nchiffre(k) > 0, nchiffre(k), Shapes,l,h GroupeObjet(Shapes) TermineDessin() End Sub </script:module>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-//OpenOffice.org//DTD OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd"> <script:module xmlns:script="http://openoffice.org/2000/script" script:name="DivisionCode" script:language="StarBasic">'OOoGdmath 'Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Gilles Daurat 'This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or 'modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License 'as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 'of the License, or (at your option) any later version. 'This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 'but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 'MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the 'GNU General Public License for more details. 'You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 'along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software 'Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. Option Explicit Global oDivisionForm as object Sub Main oDivisionForm = LoadDialog("OOoGdmath","DivisionForm") ChangeTitreDialog(oDivisionForm) ' RestaureForm(oDivisionForm) oDivisionForm.Execute() End Sub Private Sub DivisionCode_CheckBox1_Click() oDivisionForm.Model.TextBox4.Enabled = oDivisionForm.Model.CheckBox1.State End Sub Private Sub DivisionCode_CommandButton1_Click() Dim quot, DD, d, param() as string oDivisionForm.EndExecute sauveForm(oDivisionForm) quot=oDivisionForm.Model.TextBox1.Text if val(quot)<>0 and instr(1,quot,"/")>0 then ChargeParametre quot, param(), "/" DD=param(0) d=param(1) RemplaceVirgulePoint DD DD=trim(str(val(DD))) 'Ignorieren unzulässiger Zeichen RemplaceVirgulePoint d d=trim(str(val(d))) 'Ignorieren unzulässiger Zeichen if val(d)<>0 then InsereDivisionEntiere DD, d, MIif(oDivisionForm.Model.CheckBox1.State, MIif(oDivisionForm.Model.TextBox4.Text = "", ".", oDivisionForm.Model.TextBox4.Text), "") end if End Sub Private Sub DivisionCode_CommandButton2_Click() oDivisionForm.EndExecute End Sub Private Sub DivisionCode_Image1_Click() ChangeCouleur oDivisionForm.Model.Image1 End Sub Private Sub DivisionCode_TextBox4_Change() oDivisionForm.Model.TextBox4.Text = Left$(oDivisionForm.Model.TextBox4.Text, 1) End Sub Private Sub DivisionForm_ScrollBar1() dim dez as string dez=oDivisionForm.Model.ScrollBar1.ScrollValue oDivisionForm.Model.TextBox3.Text=dez End Sub Private Sub DivisionForm_ScrollBar1_Mouse() oDivisionForm.Model.ScrollBar1.Scrollvalue= oDivisionForm.Model.TextBox3.Text End Sub Sub InsereDivisionEntiere(DD, d, OperationTrou) Dim l,h, nchiffre, nchiffred, nchiffreq, nDD, zz, Q, qq$, Debut, DD1, nchiffred_ori Dim restei, qqTempo$, i, DD2, qi, di$, j, v, vz Dim Shapes as Object DIM vert as boolean DIM DD_ori,DD_ohne, d_ori, DDTemp$, dTemp$ as string InitialiseDessin(False) Shapes=InitialiseGroupe DimensionTexte "8",12,l,h vert= oDivisionForm.Model.OptionButton1.State vz="" 'Vorzeichen des Ergebnisses v=0 ' Versatz für ursprüngliche Aufgabe nchiffre = Val(oDivisionForm.Model.TextBox3.Text) sci2dec DD 'Umwandeln wissenschaftliche Zahldarstellung in dezimal nchiffred = InStr(1, DD, ".") If nchiffred <> 0 Then nchiffred = Len(DD) - nchiffred 'Dezimalstellen Dividend sci2dec d nchiffreq = InStr(1, d, ".") If nchiffreq <> 0 Then nchiffreq = Len(d) - nchiffreq 'Dezimalstellen Divisor DD_ori=MIif(nchiffred=0,DD,left(DD,len(DD)-nchiffred-1)) & right(DD,nchiffred) d_ori=MIif(nchiffreq=0,d,left(d,len(d)-nchiffreq-1)) & right(d,nchiffreq) nchiffred_ori=nchiffred If nchiffreq > 0 Then 'Erweitern auf ganzzahligen Divisor DD = Trim(Val(DD) * 10 ^ nchiffreq) RemplaceVirgulePoint DD sci2dec DD d = Trim(Val(d) * 10 ^ nchiffreq) nchiffred = InStr(1, DD, ".") If nchiffred <> 0 Then nchiffred = Len(DD) - nchiffred End If if val(DD)<0 then DD=mid(DD,2) vz="-" end if if val(d)<0 then d=mid(d,2) vz=MIif(vz="","-","") end if If nchiffre < nchiffred Then nchiffre = nchiffred ' mindestens Genauigkeit der Operanden If nchiffred>0 then DD=left(DD,len(DD)-nchiffred-1) & right(DD,nchiffred) DD_ohne=DD For i=1 to nchiffre-nchiffred DD=DD & "0" Next i qq$ = Trim(Str(Int(Val(DD) / Val(d)))) do while len(qq$)<=nchiffre qq$ = "0" & qq$ loop Debut = Len(DD) - Len(qq$) DD1 = Left$(DD, Debut) if not vert and (nchiffreq>0 or val(d_ori)<0) then 'ursprüngliche Aufgabe AfficheTexte Len(DD_ori)+2-Debut, 1, DD_ori & ":", nchiffred_ori > 0, nchiffred_ori+1, Shapes,l,h if val(d_ori)>0 then AfficheTexte Len(DD_ori) +3-Debut+ Len(d_ori), 1, d_ori & "=", nchiffreq > 0, nchiffreq+1, Shapes,l,h else 'mathematisch korrekt mit Klammern AfficheTexte Len(DD_ori) +5-Debut+ Len(d_ori), 1, "(" & d_ori & ")" & "=", nchiffreq > 0, nchiffreq+2, Shapes,l,h end if v=1 end if DDTemp$=DD_ohne dTemp$=d if vert then InsereLigne 2*l * (Len(vz & DD) - Debut+1.2), h*(1+0.2), 2*l * (Len(vz & DD) - Debut+1.2), h*(3), Shapes, oDivisionForm.Model.Image1 InsereLigne 2*l * (Len(vz & DD) - Debut+1.2), h*(2), 2*l * (Len(vz & DD) - Debut + Len(d)+1.5), h*(2), Shapes, oDivisionForm.Model.Image1 AfficheTexte Len(vz & DD) + 1 - Debut, 1, vz & DD, nchiffre > 0, nchiffre, Shapes,l,h AfficheTexte Len(vz & DD) + 2 - Debut + Len(d), 1, d, False, 0, Shapes,l,h else if v=1 and OperationTrou <> "" then ' RemplaceChiffreCaractere DDTemp$, OperationTrou RemplaceChiffreCaractere dTemp$, OperationTrou end if AfficheTexte Len(vz & DD_ohne) + 2 - Debut, 1+v, vz & DDTemp$ & ":", nchiffred > 0, nchiffred+1, Shapes,l,h AfficheTexte Len(vz & DD_ohne) + 3 - Debut + Len(d), 1+v, dTemp$ & "=", False, 0, Shapes,l,h end if qqTempo$ = qq$ If OperationTrou <> "" Then RemplaceChiffreCaractere qq$, OperationTrou end if 'Ergebnisanzeige if vert then AfficheTexte Len(vz & DD) + 2 - Debut + Len(vz & qq$), 2, vz & qq$, nchiffre > 0, nchiffre, Shapes,l,h else 'AfficheTexte Len(DD_ohne) + 3 - Debut + len(d) + Len(qq$), 1, qq$, nchiffre > 0, nchiffre, Shapes,l,h AfficheTexte Len(vz & DD_ohne) + 3 - Debut + len(d) + Len(vz & qq$), 1+v, vz & qq$, nchiffre > 0, nchiffre, Shapes,l,h end if qq$ = qqTempo$ For i = 1 To Len(qq) DD2 = DD1 & Mid$(DD, Debut + i, 1) qi = Mid$(qq$, i, 1) di$ = Str(Val(qi) * Val(d)) di$ = Right$(di, Len(di$) - 1) restei = Str(Val(DD2) - Val(di$)) DD1 = Right$(restei, Len(restei) - 1) For j = 1 To Len(DD2) - Len(di$) di$ = " " & di$ Next j If i = Len(qq$) Then AfficheDivisionP i + 1, 2 * i+v, di$, DD1 & " ", OperationTrou,Shapes,l,h Else AfficheDivisionP i + 1, 2 * i+v, di$, DD1 & Mid$(DD, Debut + i + 1, 1), OperationTrou,Shapes,l,h End If Next i Dim aPoint As New com.sun.star.awt.Point Dim TheSize as new com.sun.star.awt.Size Dim Group as Object aPoint.x=3000 aPoint.y=3000 Group = GroupeObjet(Shapes) Group.Position=aPoint TermineDessin() End Sub Sub AfficheDivisionP(x, y, d$, r$, OperationTrou,Shapes,l,h) If oDivisionForm.Model.CheckBox2.State Then If OperationTrou <> "" Then RemplaceChiffreCaractere d$, OperationTrou AfficheTexte x, y, "-" & d$, False, 0, Shapes,l,h if right(r$,1)=" " then InsereLigne 2*l * (x - 1 - Len(d$)), h * (y + 1), 2*l * (x), h * (y + 1), Shapes, oDivisionForm.Model.Image1 else InsereLigne 2*l * (x - 1 - Len(d$)), h * (y + 1), 2*l * (x+1), h * (y + 1), Shapes, oDivisionForm.Model.Image1 end if End If If OperationTrou <> "" Then RemplaceChiffreCaractere r$, OperationTrou If oDivisionForm.Model.CheckBox2.State Then AfficheTexte x + 1, y+1, r$, False, 0, Shapes,l,h Else AfficheTexte x + 1, Int((y) / 2+0.5)+1, r$, False, 0, Shapes,l,h End If End Sub Sub sci2dec(nombre) DIM n as integer DIM x,y DIM vz vz="" nombre=trim(nombre) n= instr(nombre,"E") if n>0 then x=left(nombre,n-1) y=val(mid(nombre,n+1)) if left(x,1)="-" then vz="-" x=mid(x,2) end if n=len(x)-instr(x,".") if n>0 then x=left(x,1) & mid(x,3) end if if y<0 then x="0." & string(-1-y,"0") & x else if n>y then n=n-y x=left(x,len(x)-n) & "." & right(x,n) else x=x & string(y-n,"0") end if end if nombre=vz & x end if End Sub </script:module>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-//OpenOffice.org//DTD OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd"> <script:module xmlns:script="http://openoffice.org/2000/script" script:name="Gdmath" script:language="StarBasic">'OOoGdmath 'Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Gilles Daurat 'This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or 'modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License 'as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 'of the License, or (at your option) any later version. 'This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 'but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 'MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the 'GNU General Public License for more details. 'You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 'along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software 'Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. option explicit Global Const VERSION_GDMATH= "2013.12.07" Global Const Pi = 3.14159265358979 Global Const FG_RIEN = 0 Global Const FG_CROIX = 1 Global Const FG_TRAIT = 2 Global Const rText = 0 Global Const rLabel = 1 Global Const rHelpText = 2 Global Const rTitle = 3 Global oPageDessin as Object Global oDocumentDessin as Object Global oPageTexte as Object Global oDocumentTexte as Object Global oPageDessin1 as Object Global oDocumentDessin1 as Object Global oPremierDocument as Object Dim oUneBoite as Object Dim BoiteChaineOk as integer Sub Main End Sub function fCheminImages() as String rem écrite par Jérôme Ortais Dim newSplit() ReDim NewSplit(0) Dim thePath as string Dim splitted thePath = basiclibraries.getLibraryLinkURL("OOoGdmath") rem à adapter. splitted = split(thePath,"/") newSplit() = splitted() ReDim Preserve newSplit(0 to ubound(splitted)-2) fCheminImages = join(NewSplit(),"/") & "/" & "OOoGdmath/Bitmaps/" End Function Function GetRepertoirePath(sInstPath as String) as String 'donne le répertoire correspondant Dim oPathSubstSrv as Object Dim sPath as String sInstPath = "$(" & sInstPath & ")" oPathSubstSrv =createUnoService("com.sun.star.comp.framework.PathSubstitution") sPath =ConvertFromUrl(oPathSubstSrv.getSubstituteVariableValue(sInstPath)) GetRepertoirePath = sPath End Function Sub ChangeTitreDialog(uneDialogue as Object) InitialiseGdmath() if instr(1,uneDialogue.Title,VERSION_GDMATH)=0 then uneDialogue.Title=Ressource(uneDialogue,rTitle) & " - " & VERSION_GDMATH End if End Sub Sub AACExtraitNDF(Fraction as string, num as string, den as string) Dim a a = InStr(1, Fraction, "/") If a <> 0 Then num = Trim(Left(Fraction, a - 1)) den = Trim(Right(Fraction, Len(Fraction) - a)) Else num = Trim(Fraction) den = "1" End If If Left(num, 1) = "-" Then num = Mid(num, 2) End Sub Function CestUneFigureGeometrique() as Boolean on error resume next CestUneFigureGeometrique=False CestUneFigureGeometrique = (oRectangleForm.Model.CheckBox12.State Or oTriangleForm.Model.CheckBox38.State Or oCercleForm.Model.CheckBox8.State Or oCarreForm.Model.CheckBox12.State) End Function Function MarqueMilieu(x0, y0, x1, y1, ts As Object, Optional UneImage As Image) as Object Dim xm, ym, r xm = (x0 + x1) / 2 ym = (y0 + y1) / 2 r = Sqr((x0 - xm) * (x0 - xm) + (y0 - ym) * (y0 - ym)) InsereLigne xm - 100 * (y0 - ym) / r, ym + 100 * (x0 - xm) / r, xm + 100 * (y0 - ym) / r, ym - 100 * (x0 - xm) / r, ts, UneImage End Function Sub CopierColler() Dim oDispatcher as Object Dim oEmptyShapeCollection as Object Dim oDrawDocView as Object,oTextDocView as Object ' Get a dispatcher, because we'll need it later. oDispatcher = createUnoService( "com.sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper" ) ' Get an empty collection of shapes. We'll need it lager. oEmptyShapeCollection = createUnoService( "com.sun.star.drawing.ShapeCollection" ) ' Get the document's controller oDrawDocView = oDocumentDessin.getCurrentController() oTextDocView = oPremierDocument.getCurrentController() ' Copy whatever is selected. oDispatcher.executeDispatch( oDrawDocView.Frame, ".uno:Copy", "", 0, Array() ) ' Select nothing -- i.e. an empty collection of shapes. ' If you stopped the macro right now and looked at the drawing -- nothing is selected. oTextDocView.select( oEmptyShapeCollection ) ' Now paste whatever is in the clipboard (the shape parameter) onto current page. oDispatcher.executeDispatch( oTextDocView.Frame, ".uno:Paste", "", 0, Array() ) ' After a Paste, the current selection is whatever we just pasted. End Sub Sub CopierColler1() Dim oDispatcher as Object Dim oEmptyShapeCollection as Object Dim oDrawDocView as Object,oTextDocView as Object ' Get a dispatcher, because we'll need it later. oDispatcher = createUnoService( "com.sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper" ) ' Get an empty collection of shapes. We'll need it lager. oEmptyShapeCollection = createUnoService( "com.sun.star.drawing.ShapeCollection" ) ' Get the document's controller oDrawDocView = oDocumentDessin.getCurrentController() oTextDocView = oDocumentTexte.getCurrentController() ' Copy whatever is selected. oDispatcher.executeDispatch( oTextDocView.Frame, ".uno:Copy", "", 0, Array() ) ' Select nothing -- i.e. an empty collection of shapes. ' If you stopped the macro right now and looked at the drawing -- nothing is selected. oDrawDocView.select( oEmptyShapeCollection ) ' Now paste whatever is in the clipboard (the shape parameter) onto current page. oDispatcher.executeDispatch( oDrawDocView.Frame, ".uno:Paste", "", 0, Array() ) ' After a Paste, the current selection is whatever we just pasted. End Sub Sub Copier1() dim dsp as Object dsp=CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper") dsp.executeDispatch(oDocumentTexte.CurrentController.Frame, ".uno:Cut", "", 0, Array()) End Sub Sub Coller1() dim dsp as object dsp=CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper") dsp.executeDispatch(oDocumentDessin.GetCurrentController().Frame, ".uno:Paste", "", 0, Array()) oDocumentDessin.CurrentController.Select(oPageDessin(0)) End Sub Sub InitialiseDessin(Optional visible as Boolean) 'Didier Dorange-Pattoret Dim mFileProperties(0) As New com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue Dim Array() if IsMissing(visible) then visible = True mFileProperties(0).Name="Hidden" mFileProperties(0).Value=True oPremierDocument=thisComponent if visible then oDocumentTexte=StarDesktop.LoadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter","_blank", 0, Array()) oPageTexte=oDocumentTexte.drawPage() oDocumentDessin=StarDesktop.LoadComponentFromURL("private:factory/sdraw","_blank", 0, Array()) else oDocumentTexte=StarDesktop.LoadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter","_blank", 0, mFileProperties()) oPageTexte=oDocumentTexte.drawPage() oDocumentDessin=StarDesktop.LoadComponentFromURL("private:factory/sdraw","_blank", 0, mFileProperties()) oDocumentDessin.lockControllers oDocumentTexte.lockControllers oPremierDocument.lockControllers End if oPageDessin=oDocumentDessin.DrawPages(0) end sub sub TermineDessin() ' on groupe tous les objets de la feuille dim i dim unGroupe as Object on error resume next ' unGroupe=InitialiseGroupe() for i=0 to oPageDessin.Count()-1 SelectionneForme(oDocumentDessin, oPageDessin(i)) ' unGroupe.add(oPageDessin(i)) next i ' unGroupe=GroupeObjet(unGroupe) ' SelectionneForme(oDocumentDessin, unGroupe) CopierColler() ' Copier() ' Coller() on error resume next oDocumentDessin.close(True) oDocumentTexte.close(true) oPremierDocument.unlockControllers on error goto 0 end sub sub TermineDessin2() ' on groupe tous les objets de la feuille dim i dim unGroupe as Object ' on error resume next unGroupe=InitialiseGroupe() for i=0 to oPageDessin.Count()-1 ' SelectionneForme(oDocumentDessin, oPageDessin(i)) unGroupe.add(oPageDessin(i)) next i unGroupe=GroupeObjet(unGroupe) SelectionneForme(oDocumentDessin, unGroupe) CopierColler() ' Copier() ' Coller() on error resume next oDocumentDessin.close(True) oDocumentTexte.close(true) oPremierDocument.unlockControllers on error goto 0 end sub function CentimetersToPoints(a) as double CentimetersToPoints=a*1000 end function function monval(texte as string) remplacevirgulepoint(texte) monval = val(texte) end function Sub RemplaceVirgulePoint(nombre) Dim k as Integer k = InStr(1, nombre, ",") If k <> 0 Then nombre = Left$(nombre, k - 1) & "." & Right$(nombre, Len(nombre) - k) End Sub Sub RemplacePointVirgule(nombre) Dim k as Integer k = InStr(1, nombre, ".") If k <> 0 Then nombre = Left$(nombre, k - 1) & "," & Right$(nombre, Len(nombre) - k) End Sub Sub MarquePointSegment(xi as single, yi as single, x0 as single, y0 as single, x1 as single, y1 as single,optional sGroupe as object) Dim r as Single r = Sqr((x0 - xi) * (x0 - xi) + (y0 - yi) * (y0 - yi)) if not ismissing(sgroupe) then InsereLigne(xi - 100 * (y0 - yi) / r, yi + 100 * (x0 - xi) / r, xi + 100 * (y0 - yi) / r, yi - 100 * (x0 - xi) / r, sGroupe) else InsereLigne(xi - 100 * (y0 - yi) / r, yi + 100 * (x0 - xi) / r, xi + 100 * (y0 - yi) / r, yi - 100 * (x0 - xi) / r) end if End Sub function max(val1,val2) if val1>val2 then max()=val1 else max()=val2 end if end function function min(val1,val2) if val1>val2 then min()=val2 else min()=val1 end if end function function InsereLigneLongue(l, x0, y0, x1, y1, optional sgroupe as object) as object Dim UnObjet As object Dim r as Single r = Sqr((x0 - x1) * (x0 - x1) + (y0 - y1) * (y0 - y1)) if not ismissing(sgroupe) then InsereLigneLongue()=InsereLigne(Min(x0, x1) - Abs(l * (x0 - x1) / r), _ Min(y0, y1) - Abs(l * (y0 - y1) / r), _ max(x0, x1) + Abs(l * (x0 - x1) / r), _ max(y0, y1) + Abs(l * (y0 - y1) / r), sgroupe) else InsereLigneLongue()=InsereLigne(Min(x0, x1) - Abs(l * (x0 - x1) / r), _ Min(y0, y1) - Abs(l * (y0 - y1) / r), _ max(x0, x1) + Abs(l * (x0 - x1) / r), _ max(y0, y1) + Abs(l * (y0 - y1) / r)) end if End function function ListBoxSelected(oListBox as object, indice as integer) as boolean Dim retour as Boolean Dim aa Dim i as Integer retour=False aa=oListBox.GetSelectedItemsPos() for i=lbound(aa) to ubound(aa) if aa(i)=indice then retour=True next i ListBoxSelected()=retour end function Function TraceCodageTrait(xxx as single, yyy as single, Angle as single, Optional SGroupe as object) as object If Not IsMissing( SGroupe ) Then TraceCodageTrait()=InsereLigne(xxx + 150 * Cos(Angle), yyy + 150 * Sin(Angle), xxx - 150 * Cos(Angle), yyy - 150 * Sin(Angle), SGroupe) else TraceCodageTrait()=InsereLigne(xxx + 150 * Cos(Angle), yyy + 150 * Sin(Angle), xxx - 150 * Cos(Angle), yyy - 150 * Sin(Angle)) end if End function Sub TrouvePiedHauteur(x0 as single, y0 as single, x1 as single, y1 as single, xs as single, ys as single, xp as single, yp as single) Dim uangle as Double uangle = CalculeAngle(x0,y0,x1,y1)+Pi/2 TrouveIntersection(x0, y0, x1, y1, xs, ys, xs+5000 * Cos(uangle), ys+5000 * Sin(uangle), xp, yp) End Sub Function TrouveIntersection(x0 as single, y0 as single, x1 as single, y1 as single, x2 as single, y2 as single, x3 as single, y3 as single, xint as single, yint as single) as Boolean Dim a1 as single, b1 as single Dim a0 as single, b0 as single TrouveIntersection() = True If x1 = x0 Then xint = x0 If x3 = x2 Then xint = "n" yint = "n" TrouveIntersection() = False Else a1 = (y3 - y2) / (x3 - x2) b1 = -x2 * a1 + y2 yint = a1 * xint + b1 End If Else a0 = (y1 - y0) / (x1 - x0) b0 = -x0 * a0 + y0 If x3 = x2 Then xint = x2 yint = a0 * xint + b0 Else a1 = (y3 - y2) / (x3 - x2) b1 = -x2 * a1 + y2 xint = (b1 - b0) / (a0 - a1) yint = a0 * (b1 - b0) / (a0 - a1) + b0 End If End If End Function Sub CalculeOrthocentre(x0 as single, y0 as single, x1 as single, y1 as single, x2 as single, y2 as single, xh as single, yh as single) Dim xph1 as single, xph2 as single, yph1 as single, yph2 as single TrouvePiedHauteur(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, xph2, yph2) TrouvePiedHauteur(x0, y0, x2, y2, x1, y1, xph1, yph1) TrouveIntersection(x2, y2, xph2, yph2, x1, y1, xph1, yph1, xh, yh) End Sub function TraceHauteur(xxx0 as single, yyy0 as single, xx1 as single, yy1 as single, xx2 as single, yy2 as single, sGroupe as object, xh1 as single, yh1 as single, xh2 as single, yh2 as single, Optional ProlongerHauteurS as Boolean, Optional ProlongerHauteurP as Boolean, Optional ProlongerCote as Boolean , Optional ProlongerHauteurI as Boolean, Optional xh as single, Optional yh as single) as object Dim pGroupe as object Dim unObjet as Object Dim xx as single, yy as single Dim xx0 as single, yy0 as single Dim p1 as single, p2 as single Dim pp1 as single, pp2 as single Dim test1 as Boolean, test2 as Boolean Dim angleh as double pGroupe=InitialiseGroupe() xx0 = xxx0 yy0 = yyy0 TrouvePiedHauteur(xx1, yy1, xx2, yy2, xx0, yy0, xx, yy) MarqueAngleDroit(xx, yy, xx0, yy0, pGroupe) If Abs(xx1 - xx2) > Abs(yy1 - yy2) Then test1 = (xx > max(xx1, xx2)) test2 = (xx < Min(xx1, xx2)) If test1 Then p1 = MIif(xx1 > xx2, xx1, xx2) p2 = MIif(xx1 > xx2, yy1, yy2) End If If test2 Then p1 = MIif(xx1 < xx2, xx1, xx2) p2 = MIif(xx1 < xx2, yy1, yy2) End If Else test1 = (yy > max(yy1, yy2)) test2 = (yy < min(yy1, yy2)) If test1 Then p1 = MIif(yy1 >yy2, xx1, xx2) p2 = MIif(yy1 >yy2, yy1, yy2) End If If test2 Then p1 = MIif(yy1 <yy2, xx1, xx2) p2 = MIif(yy1 <yy2, yy1, yy2) End If End If If ProlongerCote And (test1 Or test2) Then angleh = CalculeAngle(p1, p2, xx, yy) pp1 = xx + 5000 * Cos(angleh) pp2 = yy + 5000 * Sin(angleh) LaLigne=InsereLigne(p1, p2, pp1, pp2, pGroupe) LaLigne.LineStyle = 0 End If If ProlongerHauteurS Or ProlongerHauteurP Then angleh = CalculeAngle(xx0, yy0, xx, yy) If ProlongerHauteurS Then xx0 = xx0 - 5000 * Cos(angleh) yy0 = yy0 - 5000 * Sin(angleh) End If If ProlongerHauteurP Then xx = xx + 5000 * Cos(angleh) yy = yy + 5000 * Sin(angleh) End If End If If ProlongerHauteurI Then angleh = CalculeAngle(xx0, yy0, xx, yy) If xh < Min(xx0, xx) Or yh < Min(yy0, yy) Then If (xx0 < xx And xh < Min(xx0, xx)) Or (yy0 < yy And yh < Min(yy0, yy)) Then xx0 = xh - 5000 * Cos(angleh) yy0 = yh - 5000 * Sin(angleh) Else xx = xh + 5000 * Cos(angleh) yy = yh + 5000 * Sin(angleh) End If End If If xh > max(xx0, xx) Or yh > max(yy0, yy) Then If (xx0 > xx And xh > max(xx0, xx)) Or (yy0 > yy And yh > max(yy0, yy)) Then xx0 = xh - 5000 * Cos(angleh) yy0 = yh - 5000 * Sin(angleh) Else xx = xh + 5000 * Cos(angleh) yy = yh + 5000 * Sin(angleh) End If End If End If InsereLigne(xx0, yy0, xx, yy, pGroupe) xh1 = xx0 yh1 = yy0 xh2 = xx yh2 = yy UnObjet=GroupeObjet(pGroupe) if not ismissing(sgroupe) then sgroupe.add(UnObjet) end if TraceHauteur()=UnObjet End function function InitialiseGroupe() as object dim UnGroupe as object UnGroupe = createUnoService("com.sun.star.drawing.ShapeCollection") InitialiseGroupe()=UnGroupe end function function GroupeObjet(pgroupe as object) as object Dim UnObjet as object on error resume next a=pgroupe.GetCount() if a>1 then GroupeObjet=oDocumentDessin.DrawPages.GetByIndex(0).group(pgroupe) ' GroupeObjet=ThisComponent.Drawpage.group(pgroupe) ' GroupeObjet()=ThisComponent.Drawpage.bind(pgroupe) else GroupeObjet=pgroupe.GetByIndex(0) end if end function function TraceMediane(xxx0 as single, yyy0 as single, xx1 as single, yy1 as single, xx2 as single, yy2 as single, Optional ProlongerMedianeS as boolean, Optional ProlongerMedianeM as boolean,optional sgroupe as object) as object dim pGroupe as object dim xm, ym dim xx3,yy3,xx0,yy0 dim angleh Dim seg1 as Object, seg2 as Object Dim lecodage as Integer Dim unObjet as Object pGroupe = InitialiseGroupe() xm = (xx1 + xx2) / 2 ym = (yy1 + yy2) / 2 xx0 = xxx0 yy0 = yyy0 xx3 = xm yy3 = ym If ProlongerMedianeS Or ProlongerMedianeM Then angleh = CalculeAngle(xx0, yy0, xm, ym) If ProlongerMedianeS Then xx0 = xx0 - 5000 * Cos(angleh) yy0 = yy0 - 5000 * Sin(angleh) End If If ProlongerMedianeM Then xx3 = xx3 + 5000 * Cos(angleh) yy3 = yy3 + 5000 * Sin(angleh) End If End If InsereLigne(xx0, yy0, xx3, yy3, pgroupe) ' on code les longueurs égales If (CInt(CodageLabel2) <> 10) Then Seg1 = InsereLigne(xx1, yy1, xm, ym) Seg1.LineColor = RGB(0, 0, 255) Seg2 = InsereLigne(xx2, yy2, xm, ym) Seg2.LineColor = RGB(255, 0, 0) AfficheCodageLForm oPageDessin.remove(seg1) oPageDessin.remove(seg2) lecodage = CInt(CodageLabel2) If (lecodage = 10) Then lecodage = 0 End If If (CInt(CodageLabel2) = 10) Then lecodage = lecodage + 1 If lecodage = 10 Then lecodage = 1 End If If (CodageLabel2 <> "11") Then CodeLongueur(xx1, yy1, xm, ym, lecodage, pgroupe) CodeLongueur(xx2, yy2, xm, ym, lecodage, pgroupe) End If UnObjet=GroupeObjet(pgroupe) If Not IsMissing( sgroupe ) Then sgroupe.add(UnObjet) end if TraceMediane()=UnObjet End function function TraceCodageCercle(xxx as single, yyy as single, optional sgroupe as object) as object If Not IsMissing( SGroupe ) Then TraceCodageCercle()=InsereCercle(xxx, yyy, 150,sgroupe) else TraceCodageCercle()=InsereCercle(xxx, yyy, 150) end if End function function InsereCercle(xc as single, yc as single, rayon as single, optional sgroupe as object, Optional uneImage as Object) as object Dim UneForme As object Dim aPoint As New com.sun.star.awt.Point Dim aSize As New com.sun.star.awt.Size aPoint.x=xc-rayon aPoint.y=yc-rayon aSize.Width=rayon*2 asize.Height=rayon*2 UneForme = oDocumentDessin.createInstance("com.sun.star.drawing.EllipseShape") UneForme.Position=aPoint UneForme.Size=aSize ' UneForme.AnchorType = com.sun.star.text.TextContentAnchorType.AT_PAGE UneForme.FillStyle = com.sun.star.drawing.FillStyle.NONE UneForme.LineColor = RGB(0,0,0) UneForme.LineWidth = 20 ' MRI UneForme oDocumentDessin.DrawPages.GetByIndex(0).add(UneForme) If Not IsMissing( SGroupe ) Then SGroupe.Add(UneForme) end if If Not IsMissing(UneImage) Then IOAttribut(UneForme,UneImage) End If InsereCercle()=UneForme End function function TraceMediatrice(xx0 as single, yy0 as single, xx1 as single, yy1 as single, xx2 as single, yy2 as single, sgroupe as object, Optional ProlongeMediatrice as boolean, Optional xc as single, Optional yc as single) as object Dim xm,ym,k,x1,y1,lecodage,anglem,seg1,seg2,xx,yy xm = (xx0 + xx1) / 2 ym = (yy0 + yy1) / 2 If (xx0 = xx1) Then yy = ym xx = xx2 Else k = (yy0 - yy1) / (xx0 - xx1) If Abs(k) > 1 Then xx = xx2 yy = ym + (xm - xx) / k Else yy = yy2 xx = xm + k * ym - k * yy End If End If x1 = xm + (xm - xx) y1 = ym + (ym - yy) If ProlongeMediatrice Then anglem = CalculeAngle(xx, yy, x1, y1) If x1 = xx Then k = (yc - yy) / (y1 - yy) Else k = (xc - xx) / (x1 - xx) End If If k > 1 Then x1 = xc + 5000 * Cos(anglem) y1 = yc + 5000 * Sin(anglem) End If If k < 0 Then xx = xc - 5000 * Cos(anglem) yy = yc - 5000 * Sin(anglem) End If End If InsereLigne(xx, yy, x1, y1, sGroupe) ' on trace l'angle droit MarqueAngleDroit(xm, ym, xx, yy, sGroupe) ' on code les longueurs égales If (CInt(CodageLabel2) <> 10) Then Seg1 = InsereLigne(xx1, yy1, xm, ym) Seg1.LineColor = RGB(0, 0, 255) Seg2 = InsereLigne(xx0, yy0, xm, ym) Seg2.LineColor = RGB(255, 0, 0) AfficheCodageLForm oDocumentDessin.DrawPages.GetByIndex(0).remove(Seg1) oDocumentDessin.DrawPages.GetByIndex(0).Remove(Seg2) lecodage = CInt(CodageLabel2) If (lecodage = 10) Then lecodage = 0 End If If (CInt(CodageLabel2) = 10) Then Do lecodage = lecodage + 1 If lecodage = 10 Then lecodage = 1 Loop While InStr(1, CodageLabel3, Trim(Str(lecodage))) <> 0 End If If (CInt(CodageLabel2) < 11) Then CodeLongueur(xx0, yy0, xm, ym, lecodage, sGroupe, "") CodeLongueur(xx1, yy1, xm, ym, lecodage, sGroupe, "") End If End function function Croix(x, y, Optional sgroupe as object) as object Dim pGroupe As object Dim unObjet as Object pGroupe=InitialiseGroupe() InsereLigne(x - 100, y - 100, x + 100, y + 100, pGroupe) InsereLigne(x - 100, y + 100, x + 100, y - 100, pGroupe) UnObjet=GroupeObjet(pGroupe) if not ismissing(sgroupe) then sgroupe.add(UnObjet) end if Croix=UnObjet End function Sub CalculeCentreCirconscrit(x0 as single, y0 as single, x1 as single, y1 as single, x2 as single, y2 as single, xc as single, yc as single) Dim a1 as single, b1 as single, c1 as single Dim a2 as single, b2 as single, c2 as single a1 = 2 * (x1 - x0) b1 = 2 * (y1 - y0) c1 = x1 * x1 - x0 * x0 + y1 * y1 - y0 * y0 a2 = 2 * (x2 - x0) b2 = 2 * (y2 - y0) c2 = x2 * x2 - x0 * x0 + y2 * y2 - y0 * y0 yc = (c1 * a2 - c2 * a1) / (a2 * b1 - a1 * b2) If a1 = 0 Then xc = (c2 - b2 * yc) / a2 Else xc = (c1 - b1 * yc) / a1 End If End Sub Function CodeLongueur(xd as single, yd as single, xa as single, ya as single, typecodage as single, optional sgroupe as object) as object Dim xGroupe As object Dim UnObjet As object Dim sTypeCodage Dim xm1, ym1, alpha, xm0,ym0, xm2, ym2 xGroupe = InitialiseGroupe() Stypecodage = Trim(Str(typecodage)) If InStr(1, CodageLabel3, Stypecodage) = 0 Then CodageLabel3 = CodageLabel3 + Stypecodage If Len(CodageLabel3) = 9 Then CodageLabel3 = "" End If End If xm1 = (xd + xa) / 2 ym1 = (yd + ya) / 2 alpha = CalculeAngle(xd, yd, xa, ya) xm0 = xm1 - 100 * Cos(alpha) ym0 = ym1 - 100 * Sin(alpha) xm2 = xm1 + 100 * Cos(alpha) ym2 = ym1 + 100 * Sin(alpha) TraceCodageTrait(xm1, ym1, alpha + Pi / 3,xGroupe) If (typecodage Mod 3) = 2 Then TraceCodageTrait(xm0, ym0, alpha + Pi / 3,xGroupe) End If If (typecodage Mod 3) = 0 Then TraceCodageTrait(xm0, ym0, alpha + Pi / 3,xGroupe) TraceCodageTrait(xm2, ym2, alpha + Pi / 3,xGroupe) End If If typecodage > 3 And typecodage < 7 Then TraceCodageTrait(xm1, ym1, alpha + 2 * Pi / 3,xGroupe) End If If typecodage > 6 And typecodage < 10 Then TraceCodageCercle(xm1, ym1,xGroupe) End If UnObjet=GroupeObjet(xGroupe) If Not IsMissing( sgroupe ) Then sgroupe.add(UnObjet) end if CodeLongueur()=UnObjet End function Sub Echange(val1, val2) Dim Tempo tempo = val1 val1 = val2 val2 = tempo End Sub function InserePart(xorig as long, yorig as long, depart as long, arrivee as long, Rayon as single, optional sgroupe as object, Optional UneImage as object) as object Dim UneForme As object Dim aPoint As New com.sun.star.awt.Point Dim aSize As New com.sun.star.awt.Size aPoint.x=xorig-Rayon aPoint.y=yorig-Rayon aSize.Width=Rayon*2 asize.Height=Rayon*2 UneForme = oDocumentDessin.createInstance("com.sun.star.drawing.EllipseShape") ' UneForme.AnchorType = com.sun.star.text.TextContentAnchorType.AT_PAGE UneForme.Position=aPoint UneForme.Size=aSize oDocumentDessin.DrawPages.GetByIndex(0).add(UneForme) UneForme.CircleStartAngle=depart UneForme.CircleEndAngle=arrivee UneForme.CircleKind=com.sun.star.drawing.CircleKind.SECTION If Not IsMissing(UneImage) Then IOAttribut UneForme, UneImage If Not IsMissing( sgroupe ) Then sgroupe.Add(UneForme) InserePart()=UneForme End function function InsereArcDeCerclePlein(xorig as single, yorig as single, depart as long, arrivee as long, Rayon as single, optional sgroupe as object, Optional UneImage as object) as object Dim UneForme As object Dim aPoint As New com.sun.star.awt.Point Dim aSize As New com.sun.star.awt.Size aPoint.x=xorig-Rayon aPoint.y=yorig-Rayon aSize.Width=Rayon*2 asize.Height=Rayon*2 UneForme = oDocumentDessin.createInstance("com.sun.star.drawing.EllipseShape") ' UneForme.AnchorType = com.sun.star.text.TextContentAnchorType.AT_PAGE UneForme.Position=aPoint UneForme.Size=aSize oDocumentDessin.DrawPages.GetByIndex(0).add(UneForme) UneForme.CircleStartAngle=depart UneForme.CircleEndAngle=arrivee UneForme.CircleKind=com.sun.star.drawing.CircleKind.SECTION If Not IsMissing(UneImage) Then IOAttribut UneForme, UneImage UneForme.FillStyle = com.sun.star.drawing.FillStyle.SOLID UneForme.FillColor=UneImage.BackgroundColor end if If Not IsMissing( sgroupe ) Then sgroupe.Add(UneForme) end if InsereArcDeCerclePlein()=UneForme End function function InsereArcDeCercle(xorig as single, yorig as single, depart as long, arrivee as long, Rayon as single, optional sgroupe as object, Optional UneImage as object) as object Dim UneForme As object Dim aPoint As New com.sun.star.awt.Point Dim aSize As New com.sun.star.awt.Size aPoint.x=xorig-Rayon aPoint.y=yorig-Rayon aSize.Width=Rayon*2 asize.Height=Rayon*2 UneForme = oDocumentDessin.createInstance("com.sun.star.drawing.EllipseShape") ' UneForme.AnchorType = com.sun.star.text.TextContentAnchorType.AT_PAGE UneForme.Position=aPoint UneForme.Size=aSize oDocumentDessin.DrawPages.GetByIndex(0).add(UneForme) UneForme.CircleStartAngle=depart UneForme.CircleEndAngle=arrivee UneForme.CircleKind=3 If Not IsMissing(UneImage) Then IOAttribut UneForme, UneImage end if If Not IsMissing( sgroupe ) Then sgroupe.Add(UneForme) end if InsereArcDeCercle()=UneForme End function function PetitArcDeCercle(xorig as single, yorig as single, depart as single, arrivee as single, Taille as single, optional sgroupe as object, Optional UneImage as Object) as object Dim UneForme As object Dim aPoint As New com.sun.star.awt.Point Dim aSize As New com.sun.star.awt.Size aPoint.x=xorig-Taille/2 aPoint.y=yorig-Taille/2 aSize.Width=Taille asize.Height=Taille UneForme = oDocumentDessin.createInstance("com.sun.star.drawing.EllipseShape") UneForme.Position=aPoint UneForme.Size=aSize oDocumentDessin.DrawPages.GetByIndex(0).add(UneForme) UneForme.CircleStartAngle=depart UneForme.CircleEndAngle=arrivee UneForme.CircleKind=3 UneForme.LineColor = RGB(0,0,0) If Not IsMissing( UneImage ) Then IOAttribut UneForme, UneImage end if If Not IsMissing( sgroupe ) Then sgroupe.Add(UneForme) end if PetitArcDeCercle()=UneForme End function function MarqueAngle(xd1 as single, yd1 as single, xangle as single, yangle as single, xd2 as single, yd2 as single, Rentrant as boolean, NombreArc as integer, decale as integer, Optional sgroupe As object) as object Dim UnObjet As object Dim pGroupe as object Dim alpha as single Dim beta as single Dim aa as Single Dim nbforme as Single, toti as integer,i as integer, nombretrait as integer pGroupe = InitialiseGroupe() alpha = -CalculeAngle(xangle, yangle, xd1, yd1) * 180 / Pi beta = -CalculeAngle(xangle, yangle, xd2, yd2) * 180 / Pi if alpha>beta then Echange alpha,beta If Rentrant Then If alpha - beta < 180 Then beta = beta + 360 Echange alpha,beta End If ' Else ' If alpha - beta > 180 Then ' beta = beta + 360 ' Echange alpha,beta ' End If End If nbforme = 0 toti = Int((NombreArc - 1) / 3) + 1 For i = 0 To toti - 1 UnObjet=PetitArcDeCercle(xangle, yangle, alpha*100, beta*100, 1000 + i * 100 + 100 * decale, pGroupe) nbforme = nbforme + 1 Next i nombretrait = (NombreArc Mod 3) - 1 If nombretrait = -1 Then nombretrait = 2 aa = -(alpha + beta) / 2 If nombretrait = 1 Then aa = aa * Pi / 180 InsereLigne(xangle + (400 + 100 * decale) * Cos(aa), yangle + (400 + 100 * decale) * Sin(aa), xangle + (400 + 100 * decale + toti * 150) * Cos(aa), yangle + (400 + 100 * decale + toti * 150) * Sin(aa), pGroupe) nbforme = nbforme + 1 End If If nombretrait = 2 Then ab = (aa - 2) * Pi / 180 InsereLigne(xangle + (400 + 100 * decale) * Cos(ab), yangle + (400 + 100 * decale) * Sin(ab), xangle + (400 + 100 * decale + toti * 150) * Cos(ab), yangle + (400 + 100 * decale + toti * 150) * Sin(ab), pGroupe) ab = (aa + 2) * Pi / 180 InsereLigne(xangle + (400 + 100 * decale) * Cos(ab), yangle + (400 + 100 * decale) * Sin(ab), xangle + (400 + 100 * decale + toti * 150) * Cos(ab), yangle + (400 + 100 * decale + toti * 150) * Sin(ab), pGroupe) nbforme = nbforme + 2 End If UnObjet = GroupeObjet(pGroupe) if not ismissing(sgroupe) then sgroupe.add(UnObjet) end if MarqueAngle()=UnObjet End function Function CalculeAngle(xo as single,yo as single,xxx as single,yyy as single) as double Dim tang as Double Dim unAngle as Double If Abs(xxx - xo) < 0.000001 Then If yyy > yo Then UnAngle = Pi / 2 Else UnAngle = -Pi / 2 End If Else If Abs(yyy - yo) < 0.000001 Then tang = 0 Else tang = (yyy - yo) / (xxx - xo) End If UnAngle = Atn(tang) If xxx < xo Then If UnAngle < 0 Then UnAngle = UnAngle + Pi Else UnAngle = UnAngle - Pi End If End If End If CalculeAngle()=UnAngle end function Sub IOAttribut(oShape as object, UneImage as Object) OAttribut oShape, UneImage.BackgroundColor, ExtraitEpaisseur(UneImage.Helptext), ExtraitTypeTrait(UneImage.Helptext) End Sub Function ExtraitEpaisseur(LeTexte As String) As String Dim LeTexte1 Dim i,j i=instr(1,LeTexte," ") j=instr(i,LeTexte,"pt") LeTexte1 = mid(LeTexte, i+1,j-i-1) RemplaceVirgulePoint LeTexte1 ExtraitEpaisseur = LeTexte1 End Function Function ExtraitTypeTrait(LeTexte As String) As String Select Case Left$(LeTexte, InStr(1, LeTexte, " ") - 1) Case Chaine("continu") ExtraitTypeTrait = "msoLineSolid" Case Chaine("pointille") ExtraitTypeTrait = "msoLineDash" case else ExtraitTypeTrait = "" End Select End Function Function Chaine(uneChaine as String) as String if BoiteChaineOk = 0 Then oUneBoite = LoadDialog("OOoGdmath","ChaineForm") BoiteChaineOk = 1 End if Chaine = Ressource(oUneBoite.GetControl(lcase(uneChaine)).Model, rLabel) ' oUneBoite.EndExecute() End Function Sub CalculeCentreInscrit(x0 as single, y0 as single, x1 as single, y1 as single, x2 as single, y2 as single, xc as single, yc as single) Dim alpha as Double Dim beta as Double Dim xxx as single, xx as single Dim yyy as single, yy as single dim aa as Double alpha = CalculeAngle(x0, y0, x1, y1) * 180 / Pi beta = CalculeAngle(x0, y0, x2, y2) * 180 / Pi If alpha > beta Then If alpha - beta > 180 Then alpha = alpha - 360 end if Else If beta - alpha > 180 Then beta = beta - 360 end if End If aa = (alpha + beta) / 2 xx = x0 + 5000 * Cos(aa * Pi / 180) yy = y0 + 5000 * Sin(aa * Pi / 180) alpha = CalculeAngle(x1, y1, x0, y0) * 180 / Pi beta = CalculeAngle(x1, y1, x2, y2) * 180 / Pi If alpha > beta Then If alpha - beta > 180 Then alpha = alpha - 360 end if Else If beta - alpha > 180 Then beta = beta - 360 end if End If aa = (alpha + beta) / 2 xxx = x1 + 5000 * Cos(aa * Pi / 180) yyy = y1 + 5000 * Sin(aa * Pi / 180) TrouveIntersection(x0, y0, xx, yy, x1, y1, xxx, yyy, xc, yc) End Sub Sub ChangeCouleur(UneImage As Object) Dim EpaisseurTrait Dim TexteEpaisseur oCouleurForm=LoadDialog("OOoGdmath","CouleurForm") Dim nCount As Integer Dim sItems As Variant dim oComboBox as Object oComboBox = oCouleurForm.getControl("ComboBox1") nCount = oComboBox.getItemCount() oComboBox.removeItems( 0, nCount ) sItems = Array( Chaine("pointille"), Chaine("continu")) oComboBox.addItems( sItems, 0 ) TexteEpaisseur = Trim(Str(ExtraitEpaisseur(UneImage.HelpText))) If Left(TexteEpaisseur, 1) = "." Then TexteEpaisseur = "0" & TexteEpaisseur end if oCouleurForm.Model.TextField4.Text = TexteEpaisseur if ExtraitTypeTrait(UneImage.HelpText) = "msoLineSolid" then ocombobox.Text = Chaine("continu") else ocombobox.Text = Chaine("pointille") End If oCouleurForm.Model.TextField1.Text=(UneImage.BackgroundColor and RGB(255,0,0))/65536 oCouleurForm.Model.TextField2.Text=(UneImage.BackgroundColor and RGB(0,255,0))/256 oCouleurForm.Model.TextField3.Text=(UneImage.BackgroundColor and RGB(0,0,255)) CouleurForm_MAJLabel() oCouleurForm.Execute() if (oCouleurForm.Model.Label8.Label="O") then UneImage.Backgroundcolor=oCouleurForm.Model.Image1.BackGroundcolor UneImage.HelpText=oCouleurForm.Model.Image1.HelpText end if End Sub sub DeplaceSelection(posx as long,posy as long,UnObjet as Object) UnObjet.Position = MakePoint(posx, posy) end sub Function InsereCourbe(secArray() as single, n as integer, Optional sgroupe as object, Optional UneImage as object) As object dim oShape as Object dim i as integer dim groupage as object dim oCoord as New com.sun.star.awt.Point Redim oCoord(0 to n-1) as New com.sun.star.awt.Point oShape=oDocumentDessin.createInstance( "com.sun.star.drawing.PolyLineShape") for i=0 to n-1 oCoord(i).x=secArray(i,0) oCoord(i).y=secArray(i,1) next i oDocumentDessin.DrawPages.GetByIndex(0).add(oShape) oShape.PolyPolygon=Array(oCoord()) if not ismissing(UneImage) then IOAttribut oShape,UneImage if not ismissing(sgroupe) then sgroupe.add(oShape) InsereCourbe=oShape End Function Function InsereVecteur(x0,y0,x1,y1, SGroupe, Optional UneImage) as Object dim unTrait as Object dim ang as double dim unPolygone as Object Dim secArray(0 to 2, 0 to 1) as single Dim pGroupe as Object Dim unObjet as Object pGroupe = InitialiseGroupe() if ismissing(uneImage) then unTrait=InsereLigne(x0,y0,x1,y1,pgroupe) else unTrait=InsereLigne(x0,y0,x1,y1,pgroupe, uneImage) end if ang=CalculeAngle(x0,y0,x1,y1) secArray(0,0)=x1 secArray(0,1)=y1 secArray(1,0)=x1+200*cos(ang+5*Pi/6) secArray(1,1)=y1+200*sin(ang+5*Pi/6) secArray(2,0)=x1+200*cos(ang-5*Pi/6) secArray(2,1)=y1+200*sin(ang-5*Pi/6) if ismissing(uneImage) then unPolygone=InserePolygoneB(secArray(),3,pgroupe) unPolygone.FillStyle = com.sun.star.drawing.FillStyle.SOLID unPolygone.FillColor= 0 else unPolygone=InserePolygoneB(secArray(),3,pgroupe,uneImage) unPolygone.FillStyle = com.sun.star.drawing.FillStyle.SOLID unPolygone.FillColor= uneImage.BackgroundColor end if UnObjet = GroupeObjet(pGroupe) sgroupe.add(unObjet) InsereVecteur=UnObjet End Function function InsereLigne(x0 as single, y0 as single, x1 as single, y1 as single, optional SGroupe as object, optional UneImage as object) as object Dim aPosition as new com.sun.star.awt.Point Dim TheSize as new com.sun.star.awt.Size Dim xShape as object xShape=oDocumentDessin.createInstance("com.sun.star.drawing.LineShape") ' xShape.AnchorType = com.sun.star.text.TextContentAnchorType.AT_PAGE xShape.LineWidth = 20 aPosition.X = x0 aPosition.Y = y0 xShape.Position=aPosition TheSize.width = x1-x0 TheSize.height=y1-y0 xShape.Size=TheSize ' ThisComponent.DrawPage.add( xShape ) oDocumentDessin.DrawPages.GetByIndex(0).add( xShape ) If Not IsMissing( SGroupe ) Then SGroupe.Add(xShape) end if If Not IsMissing(UneImage) Then IOAttribut(xShape, UneImage) Else rem ligne ajoutee par Didier Dorange-Pattoret xShape.LineColor = 0 End if InsereLigne()=xShape End Function Function InserePolygone(secArray(), n as integer, Optional sgroupe as object, Optional UneImage as object) As object Dim Ligne as object, Shapes as object, UneCourbe as object dim i, x0 as long, x1 as long, y0 as long, y1 as long Shapes = InitialiseGroupe() for i=0 to n-2 x0=secArray(i,0) y0=secArray(i,1) x1=secArray(i+1,0) y1=secArray(i+1,1) If Not IsMissing(UneImage) Then InsereLigne x0,y0,x1,y1,Shapes,UneImage else InsereLigne x0,y0,x1,y1,Shapes end if next i UneCourbe = GroupeObjet(Shapes) If Not IsMissing(sgroupe) Then sgroupe.Add(UneCourbe) end if InserePolygone()=UneCourbe End Function Function InserePolygoneB(secArray() as single, n as integer, Optional sgroupe as object, Optional UneImage as object) As object dim oShape as Object dim i as integer dim groupage as object dim oCoord as New com.sun.star.awt.Point Redim oCoord(0 to n-1) as New com.sun.star.awt.Point oShape=oDocumentDessin.createInstance( "com.sun.star.drawing.PolyPolygonShape") for i=0 to n-1 oCoord(i).x=secArray(i,0) oCoord(i).y=secArray(i,1) next i oDocumentDessin.DrawPages.GetByIndex(0).add(oShape) oShape.PolyPolygon=Array(oCoord()) if not ismissing(UneImage) then IOAttribut(oShape,UneImage) if not ismissing(sgroupe) then sgroupe.add(oShape) InserePolygoneB=oShape End Function Function InsereQuadrilatere(x0 as single, y0 as single, x1 as single, y1 as single, x2 as single, y2 as single, x3 as single, y3 as single,ts As object, Optional UneImage As object) as object Dim secArray(0 to 4,0 to 1) as single secArray(0,0)=x0 secArray(0,1)=y0 secArray(1,0)=x1 secArray(1,1)=y1 secArray(2,0)=x2 secArray(2,1)=y2 secArray(3,0)=x3 secArray(3,1)=y3 secArray(4,0)=x0 secArray(4,1)=y0 if ismissing(UneImage) then InsereQuadrilatere() = InserePolygone(secArray(), 5, ts) else InsereQuadrilatere() = InserePolygone(secArray(), 5, ts, UneImage) end if End function Function InsereQuadrilatereB(x0,y0,x1,y1, Optional sgroupe as object, Optional UneImage as object) As object Dim secArray(0 to 3,0 to 1) as single secArray(0,0)=x0 secArray(0,1)=y0 secArray(1,0)=x1 secArray(1,1)=y0 secArray(2,0)=x1 secArray(2,1)=y1 secArray(3,0)=x0 secArray(3,1)=y1 if ismissing(UneImage) then InsereQuadrilatereB = InserePolygoneB(secArray(), 4, sgroupe) else InsereQuadrilatereB = InserePolygoneB(secArray(), 4, sgroupe, UneImage) end if End Function Sub ChargeNomPolice(fparam() as string) Dim i,j,k Dim oToolkit as Object Dim oDevice as Variant Dim oFontDescriptors As Variant Dim param() as String oToolkit = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.awt.Toolkit") oDevice = oToolkit.createScreenCompatibleDevice(0, 0) oFontDescriptors = oDevice.FontDescriptors Redim param(lbound(oFontDescriptors) to UBound(oFontDescriptors)) as string thiscomponent.lockcontrollers dim trouve as Boolean k=0 for i= LBound(oFontDescriptors) to UBound(oFontDescriptors) trouve=False for j=0 to k-1 if param(j)=oFontDescriptors(i).Name then trouve=True next j if not trouve then param(k)=oFontDescriptors(i).Name k=k+1 end if next i thiscomponent.unlockcontrollers redim fparam(0 to k-1) for i=0 to k-1 fparam(i)=param(i) next i do trouve=false for i=0 to k-2 if fparam(i)>fparam(i+1) then Echange(fparam(i), fparam(i+1)) trouve=True end if next i loop while(trouve) End Sub Sub RedresseTexte() Dim unDocument as Object Dim unGroupe as Object, leGroupe as Object Dim uneForme as Object Dim i, typeForme as String on error goto erreur ' Cette macro met à 0 l'angle de rotation de tous les textes de la sélection unDocument=thisComponent unGroupe=unDocument.CurrentSelection(0) if unGroupe.ShapeType = "com.sun.star.drawing.GroupShape" Then for i=0 to unGroupe.Count-1 uneForme = unGroupe(i) typeForme = uneForme.ShapeType if uneForme.ShapeType = "com.sun.star.drawing.TextShape" then uneForme.RotateAngle = 0 end if next i Endif Exit Sub erreur: MsgBoxP "message4" End Sub Function InsereTexte(UnTexte as string, x0 as single, y0 as single, Optional sgroupe as object, Optional AngleRot, Optional AlignH as integer, Optional AlignV as integer, Optional Mef as Boolean) as object Dim aPoint As New com.sun.star.awt.Point Dim aSize As New com.sun.star.awt.Size Dim xShape as object Dim oTexte as Object dim ocursor as Object if ismissing(Mef) then Mef=False if Mef then ' On marque tous les objets du dessin dim i dim maPage on error resume next maPage=oDocumentDessin.DrawPages.GetByIndex(0) for i=0 to maPage.Count() maPage(i).Name=maPage(i).Name & "&" next i ' on met en forme si demande oCursor=oDocumentTexte.Text.CreateTextCursor oDocumentTexte.Text.insertString(oCursor,UnTexte,True) oCursor.goleft(len(UnTexte),True) oDocumentTexte.CurrentController.Select(oCursor) xShape=InsereExpression.InsereExpression(oDocumentTexte) oDocumentTexte.CurrentController.Select(xShape) CopierColler1() ' Le seul objet non marqué est celui qui vient d'être ajouté, il faut le sélectionner for i=0 to maPage.Count() if (right(maPage(i).Name,1)="&") then maPage(i).Name=left(maPage(i).Name, len(maPage(i).Name)-1) else xShape=maPage(i) end if next i else xShape = oDocumentDessin.createInstance("com.sun.star.drawing.TextShape") aPoint.x = x0 aPoint.y = y0 aSize.Width = 10 aSize.Height = 10 xShape.Position = aPoint xShape.Size=aSize oDocumentDessin.DrawPages.GetByIndex(0).add(xShape) xShape.String = UnTexte xShape.Text.CharFontName = OOoGdmath_NomPolice xShape.Text.CharHeight = OOoGdmath_TaillePolice xShape.Text.CharPosture = OOoGdmath_ItaliquePolice xShape.Text.CharUnderline = OOoGdmath_SoulignePolice GereCaracteresDroits(UnTexte,xShape) xShape.Text.TextAutoGrowWidth=True xShape.Text.TextAutoGrowHeight=True end if aSize=xShape.Size if not ismissing(AlignH) then select case AlignH case -1 aPoint.x = x0-aSize.Width case 0 aPoint.x = x0-aSize.Width/2 case 1 aPoint.x = x0 end Select end if if not ismissing(AlignV) then select case AlignV case -1 aPoint.y = y0-aSize.Height case 0 aPoint.y = y0-aSize.Height/2 case 1 aPoint.y = y0 end Select end if xShape.Position = aPoint If Not IsMissing(AngleRot) and AngleRot<>0 Then xShape.RotateAngle = AngleRot If Not IsMissing(sgroupe) Then sgroupe.add(xShape) InsereTexte()=xShape end Function Function InsereTriangleB(x0 as single,y0 as single,x1 as single,y1 as single, x2 as single, y2 as single,optional sgroupe as object, Optional UneImage as object) as object Dim secArray(0 to 3, 0 to 1) as single secArray(0,0)=x0 secArray(0,1)=y0 secArray(1,0)=x1 secArray(1,1)=y1 secArray(2,0)=x2 secArray(2,1)=y2 secArray(3,0)=x0 secArray(3,1)=y0 if ismissing(UneImage) then InsereTriangleB() = InserePolygoneB(secArray(), 4, sgroupe) else InsereTriangleB() = InserePolygoneB(secArray(), 4, sgroupe, UneImage) end if end function Function InsereTriangle(x0 as single,y0 as single,x1 as single,y1 as single, x2 as single, y2 as single,optional sgroupe as object, Optional UneImage as object) as object Dim secArray(0 to 3, 0 to 1) as single secArray(0,0)=x0 secArray(0,1)=y0 secArray(1,0)=x1 secArray(1,1)=y1 secArray(2,0)=x2 secArray(2,1)=y2 secArray(3,0)=x0 secArray(3,1)=y0 if ismissing(UneImage) then InsereTriangle() = InserePolygone(secArray(), 4, sgroupe) else InsereTriangle() = InserePolygone(secArray(), 4, sgroupe, UneImage) end if end function Function LoadDialog(Libname as String, DialogName as String) ', Optional oLibContainer) rem charge une boite de dialogue Dim oLib,oLibDialog,oRuntimeDialog,oDialogModel,oVar,oVar1 as Object Dim langue As New com.sun.star.lang.Locale DialogLibraries.LoadLibrary(LibName) oLib = DialogLibraries.GetByName(Libname) oLibDialog = oLib.GetByName(DialogName) oRuntimeDialog = CreateUnoDialog(oLibDialog) oDialogModel=oRuntimeDialog.Model InitialiseForm(oRuntimeDialog) LoadDialog() = oRuntimeDialog if BasicLibraries.Standard.hasByName("DmOptions") Then select case iLang case 0 langue.Language = "fr" langue.Country = "FR" case 1 langue.Language = "en" langue.Country = "US" case 2 langue.Language = "de" langue.Country = "DE" End Select oRuntimeDialog.Model.ResourceResolver.setCurrentLocale(langue, True) End If if DialogName <> "ChaineForm" And DialogName <> "NommageForm" Then laBoitedeDialogue = oRuntimeDialog End If End Function Function MakePoint( x As Long, y As Long ) As com.sun.star.awt.Point Dim aPoint As New com.sun.star.awt.Point aPoint.x = x aPoint.y = y MakePoint() = aPoint End Function function MarqueAngleDroit(xd as single, yd as single, xs as single, ys as single, sgroupe As object,Optional UneImage as Object) as object Dim pgroupe As object Dim alpha as Double Dim unObjet as Object pGroupe=initialisegroupe() alpha = CalculeAngle(xd, yd, xs, ys) if ismissing(uneImage) then InsereLigne(xd + 200 * Cos(alpha), yd + 200 * Sin(alpha), xd + 200 * (Cos(alpha) - Sin(alpha)), yd + 200 * (Sin(alpha) + Cos(alpha)), pgroupe) InsereLigne(xd - 200 * Sin(alpha), yd + 200 * Cos(alpha), xd + 200 * (Cos(alpha) - Sin(alpha)), yd + 200 * (Sin(alpha) + Cos(alpha)), pgroupe) else InsereLigne(xd + 200 * Cos(alpha), yd + 200 * Sin(alpha), xd + 200 * (Cos(alpha) - Sin(alpha)), yd + 200 * (Sin(alpha) + Cos(alpha)), pgroupe, uneImage) InsereLigne(xd - 200 * Sin(alpha), yd + 200 * Cos(alpha), xd + 200 * (Cos(alpha) - Sin(alpha)), yd + 200 * (Sin(alpha) + Cos(alpha)), pgroupe, uneImage) End if UnObjet = GroupeObjet(pGroupe) if not ismissing(sgroupe) then sgroupe.add(UnObjet) end if MarqueAngleDroit()=UnObjet End function sub PointInsertion(posx,posy) posx=3000 posy=3000 end sub function TraceBissectrice(xx1 as single, yy1 as single, xxx0 as single, yyy0 as single, xx2 as single, yy2 as single, sgroupe as object, Optional ProlongeBissectriceS as boolean, Optional ProlongeBissectriceI as boolean, Optional xci as integer, Optional yci as integer) as object dim pgroupe as object dim xx0, yy0 dim alpha,beta dim xx,yy dim angleh Dim seg1 as Object, seg2 as Object, seg3 as Object, seg4 as Object Dim unObjet as Object Dim lecodage dim aa if (ismissing(ProlongeBissectriceS)) then ProlongeBissectriceS=False if (ismissing(ProlongeBissectriceI)) then ProlongeBissectriceI=False pgroupe=InitialiseGroupe() xx0 = xxx0 yy0 = yyy0 alpha = CalculeAngle(xx0, yy0, xx2, yy2) * 180 / Pi beta = CalculeAngle(xx0, yy0, xx1, yy1) * 180 / Pi If alpha > beta Then If alpha - beta > 180 Then alpha = alpha - 360 end if Else If beta - alpha > 180 Then beta = beta - 360 end if End If aa = (alpha + beta) / 2 xx = xx0 + 5000 * Cos(aa * Pi / 180) yy = yy0 + 5000 * Sin(aa * Pi / 180) If ProlongeBissectriceS Then angleh = CalculeAngle(xx0, yy0, xx, yy) xx0 = xx0 - 5000 * Cos(angleh) yy0 = yy0 - 5000 * Sin(angleh) End If If ProlongeBissectriceI Then angleh = CalculeAngle(xx0, yy0, xx, yy) If xx0 > xx Or yy0 > yy Then If xci < xx Or yci < yy Then xx = xci + 5000 * Cos(angleh) yy = yci + 5000 * Sin(angleh) End If End If If xx0 < xx Or yy0 < yy Then If xci > xx Or yci > yy Then xx = xci + 5000 * Cos(angleh) yy = yci + 5000 * Sin(angleh) End If End If End If InsereLigne(xx0, yy0, xx, yy, pgroupe) If (CInt(CodageALabel2) <> 10) Then Seg1 = InsereLigne(xx0, yy0, xx1, yy1) Seg1.LineColor = RGB(0, 0, 255) Seg2 = InsereLigne(xx0, yy0, xx, yy) Seg2.LineColor = RGB(0, 0, 255) Seg3 = InsereLigne(xx0, yy0, xx2, yy2) Seg3.LineColor = RGB(255, 0, 0) Seg4 = InsereLigne(xx0, yy0, xx + 1, yy) Seg4.LineColor = RGB(255, 0, 0) AfficheCodageAForm oDocumentDessin.DrawPages.GetByIndex(0).remove(Seg1) oDocumentDessin.DrawPages.GetByIndex(0).remove(Seg2) oDocumentDessin.DrawPages.GetByIndex(0).remove(Seg3) oDocumentDessin.DrawPages.GetByIndex(0).remove(Seg4) lecodage = CInt(CodageALabel2) If (lecodage = 10) Then lecodage = 0 End If If (CInt(CodageALabel2) = 10) Then lecodage = lecodage + 1 If lecodage = 10 Then lecodage = 1 end if End If If (CodageALabel2 <> "11") Then MarqueAngle(xx1, yy1, xx0, yy0, xx, yy, (aa > 180), lecodage, 0, pgroupe) MarqueAngle(xx, yy, xx0, yy0, xx2, yy2, (aa > 180), lecodage, 1, pgroupe) End If UnObjet=GroupeObjet(pgroupe) if not ismissing(sgroupe) then sgroupe.add(UnObjet) end if TraceBissectrice()=UnObjet End function function TraceParallele(xx0, yy0, xx1, yy1, xx2, yy2, optional sgroupe as object) as object UnAngle = CalculeAngle(xx0, yy0, xx1, yy1) ll = 4000 if not ismissing(sgroupe) then UnObjet=InsereLigne(xx2 - ll * Cos(UnAngle), yy2 - ll * Sin(UnAngle), xx2 + ll * Cos(UnAngle), yy2 + ll * Sin(UnAngle), sgroupe) else UnObjet=InsereLigne(xx2 - ll * Cos(UnAngle), yy2 - ll * Sin(UnAngle), xx2 + ll * Cos(UnAngle), yy2 + ll * Sin(UnAngle)) end if TraceParallele()=UnObjet End function function TracePerpendiculaire(xx0 as Single, yy0 as Single, xx1 as Single, yy1 as Single, xx2 as Single, yy2 as Single, optional sgroupe as object) as object dim pgroupe as object Dim xx as Single, yy as Single Dim unAngle as Double pGroupe=InitialiseGroupe() TrouvePiedHauteur(xx0, yy0, xx1, yy1, xx2, yy2, xx, yy) UnAngle = CalculeAngle(xx0, yy0, xx1, yy1) + Pi / 2 InsereLigne(xx - 5000 * Cos(UnAngle), yy - 5000 * Sin(UnAngle), xx + 5000 * Cos(UnAngle), yy + 5000 * Sin(UnAngle), pgroupe) MarqueAngleDroit(xx, yy, MIif(xx = xx0, xx1, xx0), MIif(yy = yy0, yy1, yy0), pgroupe) UnObjet=GroupeObjet(pGroupe) if not ismissing(sgroupe) then sgroupe.add(UnObjet) end if TracePerpendiculaire()=UnObjet End function Function SelectionneForme(oDocument as Object, uneForme as Object) as Boolean on error goto fin SelectionneForme=False oDocument.CurrentController.Select(uneForme) SelectionneForme=True fin: end Function Sub ExtraitPoint(texte$, i, np$, xx, yy, Optional txx as String, Optional tyy as string) Dim a, b, c, coord1$, coord2$, num, den if ismissing(txx) then txx="" if ismissing(tyy) then tyy="" a = InStr(i, texte$, "(") ' If a = 0 Or a - i > 1 Then If a = 0 Then i = -1 Else b = InStr(a, texte$, ";") If b = 0 Then i = -1 Else c = InStr(b, texte$, ")") If c = 0 Then i = -1 Else np$ = "" If a > 1 Then np$ = Left(texte$, a - 1) coord1$ = Mid$(texte$, a + 1, b - a - 1) If txx <> "" Then txx = coord1$ RemplaceVirgulePoint coord1$ coord2$ = Mid$(texte$, b + 1, c - b - 1) If tyy <> "" Then tyy = coord2$ RemplaceVirgulePoint coord2$ If InStr(1, coord1$, "/") <> 0 Then AACExtraitNDF coord1$, num, den xx = Val(num) / Val(den) Else xx = Val(coord1$) End If If InStr(1, coord2$, "/") <> 0 Then AACExtraitNDF coord2$, num, den yy = Val(num) / Val(den) Else yy = Val(coord2$) End If i = c + 1 End If End If End If End Sub Sub OAttribut(oShape As Object, Couleur, epaisseur, style) Dim i if oShape.ShapeType = "com.sun.star.drawing.GroupShape" Then for i=0 to oShape.Count-1 OAttribut(oShape(i), Couleur, epaisseur, style) next i else OAttributB(oShape, Couleur, epaisseur, style) End if End Sub Sub OAttributB(oShape as Object, Couleur, epaisseur, style) Dim mesTirets as new com.sun.star.drawing.LineDash with mesTirets .Style = com.sun.star.drawing.DashStyle.RECT .Dots = 0 .DotLen = 0 .Dashes = 1 .DashLen = 100 .Distance = 100 End With if (style="msoLineSolid") then oShape.LineStyle = com.sun.star.drawing.LineStyle.SOLID if (style="msoLineDash") then oShape.LineStyle = com.sun.star.drawing.LineStyle.DASH oShape.LineDash = mesTirets end if oShape.LineWidth = val(epaisseur)*17639/500 oShape.LineColor = Couleur End Sub Sub ExtraitVecteur(texte$, i, x0, y0, x1, y1) Dim param() as string i=-1 if left(texte$,1)="{" and right(texte$,1)="}" then i=ChargeParametre(mid(texte$,2,len(texte$)-2), param(), ";") RemplaceVirgulePoint param(0) RemplaceVirgulePoint param(1) RemplaceVirgulePoint param(2) RemplaceVirgulePoint param(3) x0 = Val(param(0)) y0 = Val(param(1)) x1 = Val(param(2)) y1 = Val(param(3)) End If End Sub Sub ExtraitSegment(texte$, i, x0, y0, x1, y1) Dim param() as string i=-1 if left(texte$,1)="[" and right(texte$,1)="]" then i=ChargeParametre(mid(texte$,2,len(texte$)-2), param(), ";") RemplaceVirgulePoint param(0) RemplaceVirgulePoint param(1) RemplaceVirgulePoint param(2) RemplaceVirgulePoint param(3) x0 = Val(param(0)) y0 = Val(param(1)) x1 = Val(param(2)) y1 = Val(param(3)) End If End Sub Sub MarqueExtremites(x0, y0, x1, y1, Shapes as Object, Optional trait1 As object, Optional trait2 As object) Dim xm, ym, r xm = (x0 + x1) / 2 ym = (y0 + y1) / 2 r = Sqr((x0 - xm) * (x0 - xm) + (y0 - ym) * (y0 - ym)) trait1=InsereLigne(x0 - 100 * (y0 - ym) / r, y0 + 100 * (x0 - xm) / r, x0 + 100 * (y0 - ym) / r, y0 - 100 * (x0 - xm) / r, Shapes) trait2=InsereLigne(x1 - 100 * (y0 - ym) / r, y1 + 100 * (x0 - xm) / r, x1 + 100 * (y0 - ym) / r, y1 - 100 * (x0 - xm) / r, Shapes) End Sub Sub ExtraitDroite(texte$, i, a, b, c, eqdroite$) Dim ffx$, x1, y1, x2, y2, Defini, ffy$ If UCase(Left(texte$, 1)) = "Y" Then ' y=f(x) ffx$ = Right(texte$, Len(texte$) - InStr(1, texte$, "=")) RemplaceTexte ffx$, "x", "(-1)" x1 = -1 y1 = CalculeFonction(ffx$, Defini) ffx = Right(texte$, Len(texte$) - InStr(1, texte$, "=")) RemplaceTexte ffx$, "x", "(+1)" x2 = 1 y2 = CalculeFonction(ffx$, Defini) Else 'x=f(y) If UCase(Left(texte$, 1)) = "X" Then ffy$ = Right(texte$, Len(texte$) - InStr(1, texte$, "=")) RemplaceTexte ffy$, "y", "(-1)" y1 = -1 x1 = CalculeFonction(ffy$, Defini) ffy$ = Right(texte$, Len(texte$) - InStr(1, texte$, "=")) RemplaceTexte ffy$, "y", "(+1)" y2 = 1 x2 = CalculeFonction(ffy$, Defini) Else i = -1 End If End If If i <> -1 Then If x1 <> x2 Then a = (y1 - y2) / (x1 - x2) b = -1 c = y1 - a * x1 Else a = 1 b = 0 c = -x1 End If eqdroite$ = texte$ End If End Sub Function getModuleText(LibN As String, ModN As String) As String Dim LibContainer As Object Dim Lib1 As Object dim texte as String dim stexte as string dim atexte as String LibContainer = GlobalScope.BasicLibraries Lib1 = LibContainer.getByName(LibN) if Lib1.hasByName(ModN) then stexte = Lib1.getByName(ModN) atexte = stexte if instr(1, stexte, "OOoGdmath_NomPolice") = 0 Then stexte = stexte & chr(10) & "Public Const OOoGdmath_NomPolice = " & chr(34) & "Times New Roman" & chr(34) & chr(10) if instr(1, stexte, "OOoGdmath_TaillePolice") = 0 Then stexte = stexte & chr(10) & "Public Const OOoGdmath_TaillePolice = 12" & chr(10) if instr(1, stexte, "OOoGdmath_ItaliquePolice") = 0 Then stexte = stexte & chr(10) & "Public Const OOoGdmath_ItaliquePolice = 2" & chr(10) if instr(1, stexte, "OOoGdmath_SoulignePolice") = 0 Then stexte = stexte & chr(10) & "Public Const OOoGdmath_SoulignePolice = 0" & chr(10) if instr(1, stexte, "OOoGdmath_GrasPolice") = 0 Then stexte = stexte & chr(10) & "Public Const OOoGdmath_GrasPolice = 0" & chr(10) if instr(1, stexte, "OOoGdmath_SensNommage") = 0 Then stexte = stexte & chr(10) & "Public Const OOoGdmath_SensNommage = 0" & chr(10) if instr(1, stexte, "OOoGdmath_TypeNommage") = 0 Then stexte = stexte & chr(10) & "Public Const OOoGdmath_TypeNommage = 0" & chr(10) if instr(1, stexte, "Sub OOoGdmath()") = 0 Then stexte = stexte & chr(10) & chr(10) & "Sub OOoGdmath()" & chr(10) & "Print " & chr(34) & "OOoGdmath" & chr(34) & chr(10) & "End Sub" & chr(10) if atexte <> stexte then saveModuleText LibN, ModN, stexte else texte = chr(10) texte = texte & "Public Const OOoGdmath_NomPolice = " & chr(34) & "Times New Roman" & chr(34) & chr(10) texte = texte & "Public Const OOoGdmath_TaillePolice = 12" & chr(10) texte = texte & "Public Const OOoGdmath_ItaliquePolice = 2" & chr(10) texte = texte & "Public Const OOoGdmath_SoulignePolice = 0" & chr(10) texte = texte & "Public Const OOoGdmath_GrasPolice = 0" & chr(10) texte = texte & "Public Const OOoGdmath_SensNommage = 0" & chr(10) texte = texte & "Public Const OOoGdmath_TypeNommage = 0" & chr(10) texte = texte & chr(10) & chr(10) & "Sub OOoGdmath()" & chr(10) texte = texte & "Print " & chr(34) & "OOoGdmath" & chr(34) & chr(10) texte = texte & "End Sub" & chr(10) Lib1.InsertByName(ModN, texte) stexte = texte end if getModuleText() = stexte End Function ' returns true if successful Function saveModuleText(LibN As String, ModN As String, newText As String) As Boolean Dim LibContainer As Object Dim Lib1 As Object LibContainer = GlobalScope.BasicLibraries Lib1 = LibContainer.getByName(LibN) if Lib1.hasByName(ModN) then Lib1.replacebyName(ModN, newText) saveModuleText = true else Lib1.insertByName(ModN, "") saveModuleText = saveModuleText(LibN, ModN, newText) end if End Function Sub RemplaceX(texte$, X) Dim tx RemplaceTexte texte$, "exp", "esp" tx = InStr(1, UCase(texte$), "X") While tx > 0 texte$ = Left$(texte$, tx - 1) + "(" + Str(X) + ")" + Right$(texte$, Len(texte$) - tx) tx = InStr(tx + 1, UCase(texte$), "X") Wend RemplaceTexte texte$, "esp", "exp" End Sub Sub RemplaceY(texte, X) Dim tx tx = InStr(1, UCase(texte), "Y") While tx > 0 texte = Left(texte, tx - 1) + X + Right(texte, Len(texte) - tx) tx = InStr(tx + 1, UCase(texte), "Y") Wend End Sub Sub RemplaceT(texte$, X) Dim tx RemplaceTexte texte$, "tan", "xan" tx = InStr(1, UCase(texte$), "T") While tx > 0 texte$ = Left(texte$, tx - 1) + X + Right(texte$, Len(texte$) - tx) tx = InStr(tx + 1, UCase(texte$), "T") Wend RemplaceTexte texte$, "xan", "tan" End Sub Sub CalculeCoordonnees(xx, yy, posx, posy, dx, dy, angleaxe) Dim xxx, yyy xxx = posx + xx * dx + yy * dy * Cos(angleaxe) yyy = posy - yy * dy * Sin(angleaxe) xx = xxx yy = yyy End Sub Sub RemplissageForme(zone1, couleur, Transparence) zone1.zOrder = -1 zone1.LineStyle = com.sun.star.drawing.LineStyle.NONE zone1.FillStyle = com.sun.star.drawing.FillStyle.SOLID zone1.FillColor = couleur zone1.FillTransparence = Transparence End Sub Function NombreTexte(Debut, texte1, texte2) As Integer Dim a, i a = Debut i = 0 While (a > 0) a = InStr(a, texte1, texte2) If a > 0 Then a = a + 1 i = i + 1 End If If texte2 = "\s\do" Then If a > 0 Then If Mid(texte1, a + 6, 2) = "\f" Then i = i - 1 End If End If End If Wend NombreTexte = i End Function Function MIif(unEtat as Boolean, valeur1, valeur2) as variant If unEtat then MIif() = valeur1 Else MIif() = valeur2 End If End Function Sub TraceLigneGroupe(unGroupe as Object, position as String, uneImage As Object) Dim Group as Object Dim px,py,lx,ly Dim i Group = oDocumentDessin.DrawPages.GetByIndex(0).group(unGroupe) lx = Group.Size.Width ly = Group.Size.Height px = Group.Position.x py = Group.Position.y oDocumentDessin.DrawPages.GetByIndex(0).ungroup(Group) for i=1 to len(position) select case mid(position, i, 1) case "s" InsereLigne px-lx*0.1, py+ly+100, px+lx+lx*0.1, py+ly+100, unGroupe, uneImage case "n" InsereLigne px-lx*0.1, py, px+lx+lx*0.1, py, unGroupe, uneImage case "t" InsereLigne px, py+ly+100, px+lx, py+ly+100, unGroupe, uneImage End Select Next i End Sub Sub NormaliseCoordonnees(x, y, x1, y1, x0, y0, x2, y2, Optional sens) Dim n if ismissing(sens) then sens = 300 n = sqr((2 * x0 - x1 - x2) ^ 2 + (2 * y0 - y1 - y2) ^ 2) x = (2 * x0 - x1 - x2) / n y = (2 * y0 - y1 - y2) / n x = x0 + sens * x y = y0 + sens * y End Sub Function MVal(unTexte as string) RemplaceVirgulePoint unTexte Mval = val(unTexte) End Function </script:module>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-//OpenOffice.org//DTD OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd"> <script:module xmlns:script="http://openoffice.org/2000/script" script:name="MultiCode" script:language="StarBasic">'OOoGdmath 'Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Gilles Daurat 'This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or 'modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License 'as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 'of the License, or (at your option) any later version. 'This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 'but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 'MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the 'GNU General Public License for more details. 'You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 'along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software 'Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. Option Explicit Dim oMultiForm as object Sub Main oMultiForm = LoadDialog("OOoGdmath","MultiForm") ChangeTitreDialog(oMultiForm) ' RestaureForm(oMultiForm) oMultiForm.Execute() End Sub Private Sub MultiCode_CheckBox1_Click() oMultiForm.Model.TextBox4.Enabled = oMultiForm.Model.CheckBox1.State End Sub Private Sub MultiCode_CheckBox2_Click() oMultiForm.Model.TextBox3.Enabled = oMultiForm.Model.CheckBox2.State End Sub Private Sub MultiCode_CommandButton1_Click() Dim MM, m dim param() as string DIM prod as string oMultiForm.EndExecute() sauveForm(oMultiForm) prod=oMultiForm.Model.TextBox1.Text if val(prod)<>0 and instr(1,prod,"*")>0 then ChargeParametre prod,param(),"*" MM = param(0) RemplaceVirgulePoint MM MM=trim(str(val(MM))) 'Ignorieren unzulässiger Zeichen sci2dec MM m = param(1) RemplaceVirgulePoint m m=trim(str(val(m))) 'Ignorieren unzulässiger Zeichen sci2dec m if val(MM)*val(m)<>0 then InsereMultiplication MM, m, MIif(oMultiForm.Model.CheckBox1.State, oMultiForm.Model.TextBox4.Text,""),MIif(oMultiForm.Model.CheckBox2.State, oMultiForm.Model.TextBox3.Text,""), oMultiForm.Model.CheckBox3.State end if end if End Sub Private Sub MultiCode_CommandButton2_Click() oMultiForm.EndExecute() End Sub Private Sub MultiCode_Image1_Click() ChangeCouleur oMultiForm.Model.Image1 End Sub Private Sub MultiCode_TextBox4_Change() oMultiForm.Model.TextBox4.Text = Left$(oMultiForm.Model.TextBox4.Text, 1) End Sub Private Sub MultiCode_TextBox3_Change() oMultiForm.Model.TextBox3.Text = Left$(oMultiForm.Model.TextBox3.Text, 1) End Sub Sub InsereMultiplication(MM, m, OperationTrou,CarDecalage,Intermediaire) Dim l,h, nchiffre1, nchiffre2, nchiffre3, piz, i, c, mp$, j, mpp$, Resultat$, pos_insere Dim Shapes as Object DIM vert as boolean InitialiseDessin(False) Shapes=InitialiseGroupe() DimensionTexte "8",12,l,h vert= oMultiForm.Model.OptionButton1.State nchiffre1 = InStr(1, MM, ".") If nchiffre1 > 0 Then nchiffre1 = Len(MM) - nchiffre1 nchiffre2 = InStr(1, m, ".") If nchiffre2 > 0 Then nchiffre2 = Len(m) - nchiffre2 If nchiffre1 > 0 Then MM = Left$(MM, Len(MM) - 1 - nchiffre1) & Right$(MM, nchiffre1) If nchiffre2 > 0 Then m = Left$(m, Len(m) - 1 - nchiffre2) & Right$(m, nchiffre2) AfficheTexte 10, 1, MM, nchiffre1 > 0, nchiffre1, Shapes,l,h if vert then 'vertikal AfficheTexte 10 - max(Len(m), Len(MM)), 2, Chr(215), False, 0, Shapes,l,h AfficheTexte 10, 2, m, nchiffre2 > 0, nchiffre2, Shapes,l,h pos_insere=10 else 'horizontal AfficheTexte 11, 1, Chr(215), False, 0, Shapes,l,h AfficheTexte 11+len(m), 1, m, nchiffre2 > 0, nchiffre2, Shapes,l,h pos_insere=11+len(m) endif TraceLigneGroupe Shapes, "s", oMultiForm.Model.Image1, 0.05 nchiffre3 = nchiffre1 + nchiffre2 While Left$(m, 1) = "0" m = Right$(m, Len(m) - 1) Wend While Left$(MM, 1) = "0" MM = Right$(MM, Len(MM) - 1) Wend piz = 0 For i = 1 To Len(m) c = Mid$(m, Len(m) + 1 - i, 1) mp$ = trim(Str(Val(MM) * Val(c))) If mp$ = "0" Then piz = piz + 1 Else If OperationTrou <> "" Then RemplaceChiffreCaractere mp$, OperationTrou If Len(m) = 1 Then if vert then AfficheTexte 11 - i, i + 2 - piz+0.3, mp$, nchiffre3 > 0, nchiffre3, Shapes,l,h else AfficheTexte 12+len(m) - i, i + 1 - piz+0.3, mp$, nchiffre3 > 0, nchiffre3, Shapes,l,h end if 'AfficheTexte 11 - i, i + 2 - piz+0.3, mp$, nchiffre3 > 0, nchiffre3, Shapes,l,h Else if Intermediaire then if OperationTrou <> "" Then CarDecalage = OperationTrou else CarDecalage = "0" End if End if If CarDecalage <> "" Then For j = 1 To i - 1 mp$ = mp$ & CarDecalage Next j if vert then AfficheTexte 10, i + 2 - piz+0.3, mp$, False, 0, Shapes,l,h else AfficheTexte 11+len(m), i + 1 - piz+0.3, mp$, False, 0, Shapes,l,h end if Else if vert then AfficheTexte 11 - i, i + 2 - piz+0.3, mp$, False, 0, Shapes,l,h else AfficheTexte 12+len(m) - i, i + 1 - piz+0.3, mp$, False, 0, Shapes,l,h end if End If End If End If Next i If Len(m) > 1 Then Resultat$ = Str(Val(MM) * Val(m)) Resultat$ = Right$(Resultat$, Len(Resultat$) - 1) If OperationTrou <> "" Then RemplaceChiffreCaractere Resultat$, OperationTrou TraceLigneGroupe Shapes, "t", oMultiForm.Model.Image1, 0 if vert then AfficheTexte 10, Len(m) + 3 - piz+0.6, Resultat$, nchiffre1 + nchiffre2 > 0, nchiffre1 + nchiffre2, Shapes,l,h else AfficheTexte 11+len(m), Len(m) + 2 - piz+0.6, Resultat$, nchiffre1 + nchiffre2 > 0, nchiffre1 + nchiffre2, Shapes,l,h end if End If piz=0 For i = 1 To Len(m) c = Mid$(m, Len(m) + 1 - i, 1) mp$ = trim(Str(Val(MM) * Val(c))) If mp$ = "0" Then piz = piz + 1 Else If OperationTrou <> "" Then RemplaceChiffreCaractere mp$, OperationTrou If Len(m) > 1 Then If Intermediaire Then mpp$ = " = " & MM & " " & chr(215) & " " & c If CarDecalage<>"" Then For j = 1 To i - 1 mpp$ = mpp$ & "0" Next j End If if vert then InsereTexte mpp$, pos_insere*l*2, (i + 2 - piz+0.3)*h, Shapes,0,1,1 else InsereTexte mpp$, pos_insere*l*2, (i + 1 - piz+0.3)*h, Shapes,0,1,1 end if End If End If End If Next i Dim aPoint As New com.sun.star.awt.Point Dim TheSize as new com.sun.star.awt.Size Dim Group as Object aPoint.x=3000 aPoint.y=3000 Group = GroupeObjet(Shapes) Group.Position=aPoint TermineDessin() End Sub </script:module>
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