Re: [chrony-users] Chrony Client Support for different ports to the same server?

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On Mon, Jan 27, 2025 at 07:55:48AM -0500, Derek Atkins wrote:
> I have a configuration of
> server a.b.c.d
> server a.b.c.d port 4123
> However the second configuration is ignored and not used; I only see
> packets going out to port 123, not port 4123.  Is this a bug, or is there
> some way to get chrony to fallback if it does not receive responses on
> 123?

Each IP address can be used only once as a source. The first one wins.
In the system log you should see an error message about duplicated
address, at least with more recent chrony versions.

The sources are identified by IP address, not IP address+port. It's a
design limitation which cannot be easily fixed without incompatible
changes in the management protocol as exposed by chronyc.

> Alternatively, is there some test I can run to see if a port gets a valid
> response?  Like "chronyd test a.b.c.d port 123" and use an exit-code to
> determine if it got a response or not?

chronyd -Q -t 1 "server $IP_ADDR port $PORT maxsamples 1"

Miroslav Lichvar

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