Re: Re: [chrony-users] question about the values in critical_runs array

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On Fri, Jul 19, 2024 at 05:27:41AM +0000, 邹林志08963 wrote:
> > I'm not sure what exactly you are pointing out here, but in our case
> > we care only about the lower bound to increase the number of runs when
> > it's lower than expected for the number of samples. If the number of
> > runs is too high, we don't care.
> well, when the formula is " runs = mu - sqrt(var) * Z ",
> the critical_runs will be:

> and when the formula is " runs = mu + sqrt(var) * Z ",

> I just wonder which one is correct.

The first one. We care about the lower end of the interval.

Miroslav Lichvar

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