RE: [chrony-users] Chrony and systemd-timesyncd

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Why do application require a specific time synchronisation tool?!


Well, if you cannot change them, maybe you can configure timesyncd to synchronise to localhost?

It may still do random adjustments, but they should be so tiny that they won’t do much damage.





From: Jan Claußen <jan.claussen10@xxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, 12 July, 2024 1:32 PM
To: chrony-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [chrony-users] Chrony and systemd-timesyncd


*EXTERNAL source*




I have some questions about chrony. I am trying to set up chrony as local NTP server. First I tried to completely substitute systemd-timesyncd with chrony, but this turned out as quite the challenge, because at least on a Yocto system some services are dependent on systemd's timesyncd module.


So to not make me suffer more than necessary figuring out how to make all these other services happy, I would like to ise chrony only as an NTP server for some other client devices, which are not directly connected to the internet. This would require me to run timesyncd and chronyd at the same time. So I would have some questions:


  1. Is it problematic to run chrony alongside timesyncd, even when only used as a server?
  1. How would I accomplish this? Online it says to use the local directive. I am not entirely sure if chrony syncs with the hardware clock here. Since RTCs are said to drift quite a lot, I would rather have chrony sync itself with the system clock
  1. If the hardware clock indeed does sync from the RTC, what is the refclock directive needed for? Can I actually use the RTC here is this for another purpose?



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