Re: [chrony-users] Re: Linux time goes wrong after changing the time with 'date' cmd

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Hi Miroslav Lichvar,

On Mon, May 13, 2024 at 08:19:07AM +0200, Miroslav Lichvar wrote:
> On Mon, May 13, 2024 at 09:02:31AM +0800, Feng Tang wrote:
> > So my thought is, since user already chose to trust 'chrony', and
> > when chrony has more realiable NTP time source, 'chrony' can help to
> > correct the 'wrong date' set by user with the right time, practically
> > 'rejecting' the huge time jump set by users.
> chronyd is trying to correct the clock, but a typical default
> configuration provided with distro packages allows steps only on
> start, so the ~10% slew can take very long time.

Yes, exactly. In the above case, we saw the system time was compensated
very slowly.

> The user would need to allow steps at any time. See this answer in
> the FAQ:

This works great in my test and the issue can't be reproduced. Many
thanks for the hint!

- Feng

> --
> Miroslav Lichvar

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