Re: [chrony-users] Linux time goes wrong after changing the time with 'date' cmd

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On 2024-05-10 03:43, Feng Tang wrote:
> Add debug hooks in kernel shows, after 'date' command changes system time,
> around 150 seconds later, the chronyd process send 'clock_adjtime' syscalls
> down to kernel with txc mode 'ADJ_TICK | ADJ_FREQUENCY', then the time
> starts to go wrong.
That is not "wrong", that is "right".
Chrony speeds up the clock so it will gradually go back to the correct time,
after you changed it to the wrong time.

command: " date --set '04/24 15:23:10 2024' "

You have synchronized the clock using chrony, DON'T touch it manually!


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