Re: [chrony-users] Best/proper use of orphan mode

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On Wed, Sep 27, 2023 at 10:25:43AM +0000, Carsten Finis wrote:
> The first host on which the external server becomes stale then switches to one of the other internal hosts, and so do the others. It takes half a day before the first host appears as orphan ("O" in the output of "chronyc selectdata"), and I have not managed to have all three hosts appear as orphans and agree on one of them as server. Usually, I end up with a cyclic constellation.

It's supposed to end up in a stable state using only one source, but
it might take a long time. You can speed it up by increasing
maxclockerror and reducing the orphan distance.

If that doesn't work for you, please post output from chronyc sources
and selectdata.

Miroslav Lichvar

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