Re: [chrony-users] Leveraging PTM

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On 2023-08-17 07:26, James Clark wrote:
> The minimum combination that seems to support PTM is Jasper Lake CPU
> and i226-V. i225-V doesn't work (because it's disabled in the kernel),
> and less than Jasper Lake (eg. J4125) also doesn't work. There are
> reviews of these systems on I have a couple; the
> better one is,
> which is an N6000 CPU (6W TDP) plus 4 x 1226-V ports. The barebones
> config is $120.

I ordered one from that shop.  I chose the model with 16GB RAM
and 512GB M.2 SSD.

As I sort of expected the SSD is "fake".  It does have the specified
capacity, but after the first ~64GB which works at 1200MB/s it
becomes very slow.  But does not lose data (yet).

It seems the Chinese continue to defraud SSD buyers just as
before, but it this case it was not a 64GB device with wrap-around
or /dev/null for the remainder of the capacity, as I have seen before.

Of course, what could you expect for the price...?
So it is probably best to order with no SSD (or the smallest one),
toss it, and buy an M.2 SSD locally.


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